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Having a good night rest, i woke up from my alarm feeling bada's arm around my waist as i kiss bada on the cheek. Removing her arm gently then ordered room service since its 7am in the morning. I grab my morning pills and drink, remove my robes and check out what i have in my body as of course dr levy said i will have bruises form in my body out of no where.

Ignoring my conditions as i take a quick shower. Im glad bada did carry extra clothes for us with our landlord's car we borrowed, bada is now awake too as she did answer the door to see the room service.

I go over to bada as i wore a shirt instead of a jacket, then shorts underneath. "Well looks who is awake" i teased as she tiredly goes to me given me a peck on the lips. "Good morning babe..." she mumbled as i chuckle by her actions and leans up on my tip toes to kiss her again too. "Morning love" i said

"Love... i like that nickname" she told me and stroke her arm gently. "Come on lets eat" i suggested which she came to the table with me so we both could eat now.

Bada noticed the top i am wearing and she checks my skin on my arms "you have some new ones." She commented in a worry and check it out "its side effects of the meds. It will go away in a few months" i said and know it will and probably me almost dying if it would.

Of course me and bada did have some moments of making out and done some nasty things, well sex things. "Wanna ho to the beach?" I asked and see her smile "sure let me change in my shirt and shorts.

I nodded at her and see she finally goes to the bathroom so I secretly took my breakfast pills. Hopefully today I won't get any worse, while waiting for her i clean out our things to bring home.

Bada finished her bath and already on her beach clothes, as cool bada is she still looks cooler even in shorts and a shirt on. "Wanna go?" She asked "sure" i said and grab the sunscreen. Bada noticed my clothes and stroke my back gently as if she is proud of me making a change, unlike before i used to wear my longsleeve and joggers.

When we arrived we see there are people who also came. Me and bada take a spot under the umbrella i began putting on sunscreen to hers then mine. We both lay in the beach bed while our hands hold together.

"Hey sexy ladies" a perverted man came to us as i look up to see him with his buddies. Bada clicked her tongue making a tsk sound. "Leave us alone" she bluntly says to them

He ignored us and his buddy sat beside bada while the other one on my side. I swear to got this is much worst than last night's events. "Oh come on girls h-" before he says a word bada sat up and takes my arm "we are not interested.

I sat up too with bada's protective hold on me, he wrap her arm around my waist. About to leave but the man spoke "hey you girls should be lucky to have someone like us wanting you guys. The smaller bitch ugly skin is too obvious." I guess he speaks about me.

Planning to leave but bada lashed out to them as she is strong enough to punch him in the face. I gasp by her actions "take that back" she threatened and punched him again on the same spot on the face.

His buddy didn't even want to help him out. "Bada! Lets go!" I try to pull her off and seeing people are already staring at them. I know any moment the police will came and i try to pull her away but she keeps punching the guy as i see blood is now on his cracked nose, bada's knuckles are swollen, he has a black eye and his buddy's face is pale.

The police did came and he puts bada and the other two aside for them to be separated. Bada is too pissed to even talk to the police so i did all the talking, which i said to them about the situation. "Ok since we also asked the people you girls are free to go" he says

Forbidden (bada lee x oc) AUWhere stories live. Discover now