A night in Dubai

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Shinju and her brother were in their room chatting and laughing while having some Hanora. Hanora is a werewolf drink made from fruits, spices, and ginger ale. After a while, the two went to bed. Shinju put her moonstone on and smiled as her hair turned black to white. 

"Finally, it's so tiring having to keep my human disguise all the time," said Shinju as she breathed a sigh of relief. Shinju looked to her left and saw the moon shining from her window. She smiled and went to bed feeling relaxed and happy. 

Next morning, Bones POV:

I was sitting with Saoirse eating some toast and eggs when I noticed Zoom staring at her. I felt a little annoyed seeing him and decided to teach him a lesson. " Oi, what the bloody hell are ya looking at?" I said as I glared at Zoom. " Oh nothing much," said Zoom as he took a bite of his food. I seriously hated humans. They always thought they were the most powerful.

Saoirse nudged my shoulder. " My apologies Zoom, my brother is a bit overprotective of me," said Shinju with a forced smile. " That's alright. you do have a lovely accent. Where are you from?" said Zoom making me annoyed. I was about to respond but stopped when my sister said. " Oh, I'm from Yorkshire, England. But I'm of Irish origin."

Zoom raised his eyebrow and looked at my sister as if she was lying. Seriously what is wrong with this idiot? I was about to punch him but stopped myself since we were in public.

Game time, Shinju POV:

I was sitting on the bench watching as my brother played against Sultans. I love sports but I prefer to play Vinric, a Von Silver Wolf sport that requires you to spar with someone. The winner would choose the next two champions. I looked up and saw my brother score the final goal. I was happy and chuckled seeing Grimm celebrating while Sultans were pouting. As the teams went inside. I got up and followed Zoom.

" That was quite a hat trick you scored in the first half," I told him making him turn around. " Thanks, but your brother was pretty good too," said Zoom making me chuckle. Bones then came and gave me a gesture which meant I had to go. " Sorry, I have to go now. But It was nice meeting you." I said before running back to my brother.

I sighed in relief as we entered our limo which took us back to the hotel. I wonder how Zoom will react when he finds out the truth. I  looked at Bones who was still glaring at me. " What?" I said with a raised eyebrow. " Do you mind telling me why you're not trying to keep your cover? You know what happens when the Clarions find out about our little secret." said Bones whispering in my ear. 

I rolled my eyes. " Relax Bones, Grimm knows about our past so don't worry about it. Even if the Clarions do, I can defeat them." I said as Bones laid back and looked out the window. We reached the airport and went to the plane. I was about to sit when I saw a large shadow. I turned around and saw something that shocked me. 

" Whoa!, No way," said the others as they observed the large plane that had the Sultans logo. I noticed the Sheikh on a moving device making me confused. " Ah, Grimm. I see you finally saw the Sky Palace," said Sheikh Ali Zaman. " What is this?" said Bones.

" Oh, this is our new plane. Rather exquisite isn't it." said the Sheikh with a cheeky grin. The Sheikh then invited us on the plane and I was led to my room. I looked around the room and turned to the Sheikh, " Excuse me but are there any cameras in the room? I don't like having cameras in my room when I sleep." 

The Sheikh looked at me and chuckled. " Oh, there are no cameras in this room. I personally made sure no cameras were installed." said the Sheikh as he pointed to the area where a camera had been removed.

I sighed in relief and thanked him and watched as he left the room. I wonder what will happen next.

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