Zoom's Family

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Shinju was sleeping when the children began to bounce up and down on her bed trying to wake her up for breakfast. " Auntie, it's time for breakfast," said Omar, the youngest of Zoom's nephews and nieces. 

The children called her auntie since in their culture, they called adults either auntie or uncle as a form of respect even if they weren't related to the person. 

Shinju's twin brother Bones was away traveling with his team and currently playing against Supastrikas in Feratuvia.

Shinju ignored them and tried to sleep but couldn't due to the noise. Amira saw Shinju's bracelet on the counter. Amira picked up the bracelet and it began beeping. Amira tried to stop the beeping since the noise was so loud. but Shinju woke up and snatched the bracelet from her. 

"Don't even think about it," muttered Shinju glaring at the children who shuddered in fear.  Shinju got up and pressed the button on the bracelet. " What now? Can't a lass sleep for once? in peace," said Shinju groggily looking at the hologram of her brother Alec. " Says the one who sleeps for hours. Seriously Saoirse, how are you supposed to be Alpha?" teased Alec.

Shinju growled at her brother who gulped. " Easy there lass, I was only joking," said Alec raising his hands in defeat. Shinju sighed and looked at her brother angrily," Careful who you try to mess with." said Shinju before ending the call and getting up to go to the bathroom.

Shinju brushed her teeth as the children saw her bag and went through it. " Whoa, look at what Auntie has," said Hamdan, Omar's elder brother as he took out Shinju's tiara. " Hamdan! put that down right now," said Zoom Zahir as he entered the room and took the tiara out of Hamdan's hands.

The tiara was a silver crown decorated with small crystals. It was made in a Celtic style and had the head of a wolf at the center. Zoom looked at the tiara in awe and confusion. He had never seen such an exquisite thing before in his life and felt curious about Shinju's life as a royal.

A few weeks later, Shinju left the Zahir manor and returned to Lunardia. She entered her chambers and laid down trying to sleep but her mind wandered as she thought about Zoom.

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