The Council meeting

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Saoirse walked into the meeting room. It wasn't her first time walking into this room. She used to sneak into this room when she was younger. It was where her father and the other alphas met and discussed plans for the war. War? Should this even be considered a war? This 'War' lasted for more than 4 hundred years.

Humans, most of them feared the werewolf clans. The reason for this fear was because of the magic that most werewolves possessed. Magic and werewolves were a terrible mix of abilities in the eyes of humans.

Saoirse entered the room and sat on her designated chair as the other alphas entered. Saoirse felt nervous and unsure of herself since it would be the first meeting she had attended in person. 

The doors opened with a creak, snapping Saoirse out of her train of thought. " Welcome Alphas. I see you're doing well?" asked Saoirse, looking at them with a smile. " We're doing well thank you Lady Saoirse," said Kosie. Kosie was the Alpha of the Verona clan and Saoirse's brother-in-law.

Kosie was a man in his late twenties. Kosie had black hair with cyan highlights, green eyes, and fair skin. He wore a leather tunic with fur on the shoulder pads, a golden crown, and pants with vines on the bottom.

" I see. Now we need to find a way to deal with these Clarions. They have been hunting us for years and this has to end," said Ragnor, Alpha of the Northundra clan. Ragnor had blue eyes, brown hair, and pale skin. He wore a blue jacket and a black leather tunic as well as a crown made of pure crystals.

The alphas sat down and began to discuss what to do regarding the war and casualties. Saoirse, Kosie, and Ragnor wanted to end it peacefully according to werewolf tradition. But Medea, Folis, and Fenrir wanted the humans to pay for the Clarion's crimes. 

Medea was the alpha of the Seti clan. She had blonde hair with green highlights, tan skin, and green eyes, and wore a silver crown. She wore a green dress and sat beside Folis, the alpha of the Gunera clan.

Folis was the oldest out of the group and was in his late 40s. He wore a dark green coat with wolf spirit designs on the edges. He had brown hair with black highlights and wore a crown made of pure Sylia, a crystal found in Gunera territory.

Fenrir, on the other hand, was the scariest out of the Alphas. He had red hair, grey eyes, and pale skin. He was Medea's lover and the alpha of the Seroni minor clan. Fenrir was the same age as Kosie and was known for scaring any human with a single glance.

Suddenly, the door opened again to reveal Klaus. Klaus looked around and gulped before leaving the room in a hurry. Saoirse sighed as the Alphas turned to her. Saoirse then explained to them how the humans had arrived on the island a few days ago. 

Fenrir, Folis, and Medea were shocked but kept their silence since Saoirse was the daughter of Lennard. Lennard himself had gone missing and most of the media declared him dead.

But is it frankly true?

Some say he was captured while some say he was killed.

But the Truth is like a deep well that one must swim into to find their wealth.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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