Lunch at the Zahir mansion

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Zoom led Shinju to the dining room where Zoom's family was already sitting and eating. They all looked so lively and happy. Something Shinju had barely experienced in her childhood.

She was always training, studying, training, studying. For the Von Silver Wolves, education, hunting,  and martial arts were important aspects of life. 

Shinju sat down next to Zoom and noticed that the family was looking at her white hair. Shinju felt a little annoyed seeing them glaring at her hair which was seen as offensive in her culture. Shinju sighed and began to eat the food that was in front of her.  She saw Zoom's younger brother Aziz looking at her and she glared at him making her eyes turn amber and he gulped. 

" How can you do that?" asked Aziz in fear looking at Shinju's eyes. " I'm a werewolf, are you surprised," said Shinju taking a bite out of her steak. Aziz calmed down and looked at his brother who just shrugged. 

" Get used to it اخي. But don't blame me if she rejects you," whispered Zoom giving his brother a teasing grin.

Aziz felt his blood boil and was about to punch Zoom but stopped himself.

After lunch, Shinju was about to walk back upstairs when she noticed the kids were looking at her bracelet. " Auntie, can we see your bracelet." asked one of the kids. Shinju wanted to say no but didn't want to upset the kids so she agreed and tapped a button turning the bracelet on.

Shinju's bracelet was a gold bracelet that she wore on her right wrist. It had a button that when pressed showed a holographic screen that allowed Shinju to use it like a laptop. It also had another function which allowed her to store things inside.

Suddenly, a call screen appeared showing Shinju being called by her elder brother Alastor. Shinju answered the call and a hologram of her brother appeared shocking the kids.

" Saoirse, how was the mission?" asked Alastor in a calm tone. " It went well, but I was knocked out and woke up here," said Shinju rubbing the area where the dart had hit her. " I see. Ivan and Michaelis have found the other two pieces of the moonstone and will come to your location tonight. Oh, and before I go. Have fun." said Alastor with a teasing grin before ending the call.

Shinju sighed and sat down on the couch on the porch. She looked at the children who seemed to have fun making her feel a twinge of pain remembering her childhood.

[Flashback to 13 years go]

Saoirse was running in the forest playing with her brothers Alastor, Bones, and Alec when she smelled smoke. Saoirse looked behind her and gasped seeing the fire on the mansion. They all ran over to the mansion and looked in horror to see the sight before them. 

The mansion was on fire because a Clarion spy had infiltrated the mansion to steal the moonstone which was going to be transferred to Lunardia that night.

Saoirse tried running into the mansion but her uncle Lycan held her back trying to calm her down.

[End of Flashback]

"Auntie.." said a small voice snapping Shinju out of her trance. " What is it lass?" said Shinju looking at the little girl in front of her.

" Uncle Zoom wants to talk to you." said the little girl taking Shinju's hand and leading her inside the mansion. Shinju was then led to Zoom's room where Zoom was brushing his hair.

Shinju looked away immediately feeling embarrassed as her face turned red. Zoom had silky smooth black hair which reached below his neck. Zoom looked this left to find Shinju looking away and his niece Amira chuckling.

"What's so funny Amira?" asked Zoom Zahir. Amira chuckled and pointed at Shinju who was about to leave. " And where are you going?" asked Zoom putting his hair in a neat ponytail.

" Nothing, I was about to leave," said Shinju leaving the area. " What's wrong with her?" Amira asked innocently feeling confused by Shinju's cold behavior. Zoom shrugged and followed Shinju leaving behind Amira.

Zoom caught up with Shinju and grabbed her arm. Shinju let go of his arm and walked quickly. Zoom became frustrated and followed her.

Meanwhile, Zoom's parents watched the two walking and felt confused wondering what was going on. Zoom's father, Khalid, was a wealthy businessman who owned many properties around the world.  Khalid had heard from his son about Shinju and how mysterious she was. 

" Excuse me but what is going on here," asked Khalid as he approached the two. " It's nothing. So stay out of it," snapped Shinju making her eyes glow. " Hey! At least be grateful we took you in as our guest," said Zoom defending his father.

" Oh, so now you think you're better. Lads like you really don't really know who you're dealing with now." said Shinju confusing Zoom's parents." What do you mean by that." said Selma.

Shinju smirked and touched her moonstone pendant making it glow. She then touched her hair and ran her fingers down to the ends shocking Zoom and his parents as her hair turned from white to black. 

" You''re..." Zoom stammers looking at Shinju in shock. " Shinju? Why yes, I am. But my real name is Saoirse Anderson Jones Andren Von Silver Wolf, crown heiress of the Von Silver Wolf clan and next in line to the throne." said Shinju making her eyes glow amber as she walked past Zoom and his stunned parents.

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