Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Yize and his adjutant walked through the entire building, which included classrooms, a kitchen, and a lounge. Although the design was simple, everything was clean and tidy, meeting the expected standards.

Yize looked towards another building behind the factory and asked, "What's over there?"

The headmaster smiled and explained, "There are some children living over there, but they are no longer of kindergarten age. We send them to elementary school."

Yize nodded and asked, "Are all the children here of the Sorte ethnicity?"

The headmaster seemed surprised by Yize's question and replied, "Not all of them."

Yize inquired further, "This is a private kindergarten, right? Who owns it?"

The headmaster looked slightly uncomfortable and said, "I'm sorry, but I can't reveal that. My employer values their privacy, and I hope you understand."

Yize nodded in understanding and said, "I see, it's alright. I was just asking casually."

Yize indicated that they could leave, and the headmaster escorted them to the exit.

As they walked outside the main gate, a woman wearing colorful shorts mounted an electric scooter. She waved to the headmaster from a distance and said, "I'm heading back now!"

The headmaster waved back and said, "Be safe on the road!"

Yize followed the headmaster outside and was surprised to see this woman in colorful shorts. Her face seemed familiar, with short, messy brown hair and large black-framed glasses.

Although Yize had only seen her once in the documents, he immediately recognized her. She was Ella's friend and business partner, Ahong, the co-owner of the "Little Sun Repair Shop."

Before deciding to marry Ella, Yize had his adjutant thoroughly investigate everything related to her.

Ahong, who had been about to leave, was now dumbfounded. Incoherent words spilled from her mouth as she stood there, frozen. The Imperial General who had been the center of attention just a couple of days ago had suddenly appeared nearby, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

Ahong finally regained her composure and stumbled as she said, "G-... G-General Yize, hello!" She awkwardly started her electric scooter and quickly sped away.

The headmaster smiled and commented, "Ahong seems overly excited when she sees you. Lately, every time she visits, she talks about how wonderful you are. She's your little fan."

Yize nodded expressionlessly and asked, "Is she working here?"

The headmaster shook her head and replied, "No, Ahong is a passionate individual who frequently volunteers to help."

Yize bid farewell to the headmaster and left the premises. The headmaster stood outside the main gate, watching their aircraft disappear into the distance.

"General, I still find this place quite strange. It doesn't look much like a kindergarten," Yize's adjutant expressed his visit experience.

"Well, it's actually more of an orphanage," Yize said quietly.

The adjutant was puzzled. "If I may guess, this is an orphanage that adopts Sorte children."

"Do we need to investigate further?"

"No need. Transfer some funds from my account, discreetly."


Sorte Planet

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