Chapter 1

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Icy wind blew my long cindered hair, my pupils dilating within their ruby irises. I blinked, frozen tears prickling into my eyes. I looked up. Obsidian clouds smeared across a glowing sky, pixels of shadows raining from the glowing twilight. Shafts of dying light beamed through the darkness, dimly revealing prismatic castles levitating amid eternity. The twilight intensified, piercing patches of the shadowy void. I breathed rays of gentlest flames, warmth flowing within my soul.

A crystalline voice, angelic yet ghostly, slowly reverberated across the twilit reality. My heart skipped a beat. I held my breath. My thoughts froze. All my skin shivered...

"Luna, my dearest daughter, child of our moonless realm... torn by destiny to face the evils brooding from the remnants of Interlopers... find your father. Save us from ourselves."

I blinked awake, inhaling a mouthful of pillow. I wriggled out my cocoon of blankets, moonlight beaming through my home's entranceway. A chilling wind came in, as if ice breathed through me. I tightened my blankets and sighed, my breath white. "Two weeks of these weird dreams... I'll never get any sleep."

Sighing yet again, I stared up at the rafters, shafts of moonlight peeking in my window like millions of tiny diamonds. "Ugh, it's not even dawn yet," I muttered softly with a tired sigh.

Knowing that I wouldn't be getting back to sleep anytime soon, I slowly sat up and untangled myself from my blankets, Whitehall were wrapped around my legs.

As I made my way to my small closet, I brushed my slender fingers against its cool wooden surface. The patterns of black and blue were engraved into the wood, the moon's light reflecting the faint blue glow slightly.

My sharp eyes quickly skimmed over my various outfits, and I eyed each piece of clothing with a critical stare.

Eventually, however, I made my choice and grabbed a t-shirt and skirt from the clutter of hangers. Slipping the shirt over my head, I removed my nightdress and slipped off my cosset ebony-colored slippers.

Once I had changed into my outfit for the day, I took to combing the tangles out of my crimson locks. As I continued combing the brush through my hair, I hummed Epona's Song under my breath as I finished up with my task.

I'm short for my age, standing at about 4'11" in hight with strange ruby red eyes and shoulder-length wine-red hair. My best friend, Ilia, would often tell me how she wished that her hair was as pretty and smooth as mine.

Ilia and I would often take my horse, Epona, to Orden Spring in the early hours of the morning so she's clean and ready for the day. A lot of people have offered to teach me swordplay, but I would always refuse. My response would always be the same "I'm really flattered that you want to teach me, but I don't think ladys play with swords."

My daily outfit consists of a black t-shirt with a black skirt that has dark blue markings stitched onto it. For shoes, I ware a pair of black boots with the same blue markings and my hair is down with two hair-clips holding my bangs in place. I have no idea why I love the design on my clothing, but for some strange reason that I can't explain, the collars and markings remind me of something or someone that I keep thinking I should know.

For as long as I can remember, for some reason that I could never really fully understand, the other kids in the village (aside from Ilia and Colin of course) would often keep there distance from me. When I was younger, I would often go to Ilia for comfort and her father would allow her to take the afternoon off in order to help me feel better.

Ilia's father, Mayor Bo, is like a second father to me. My adoptive parents: Rusl and Uli, took me in after finding me outside the forest as a baby with a much younger Epona not far away. I don't know much about my birthparents, but I have faith that they were kind and gentle people.

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