Chapter 30

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"So now what?" Saria asked after we seperated.

"We have to get to the heavens," Ember said.

"The question is how." Kone added.

"Just get Learning and Midna to float through the sky to find it!" Navi said.

"How about we shrink down and you carry us on a search through the sky instead," I responded.

"Fine..." she said, after failing to come up with a response. "Though I don't have pockets so you'll ride in my cleavage. Hope you don't mind being squeezed."

"Or..." Midna said interrupting us. "We could take the Sky Cannon Shad said he found in the Rubble of Kakariko, to the man at the lake to fix it up. He said it was connected to the City in the Sky which means if it is fixed we can use it to get there."

"That works." Most of us agree.

"Only if it doesn't take too long to fix!" Navi huffed. "Weve wasted enough time as is...if it does take too long, we'll take air cleavage."

We just sighed as we warped to Kakariko and warped the sky cannon to Fyer at Lake Hylia, paying him 300 rupees to fix it. He said it would be quick but we would see if it was quick enough for Navi.

"So what do we do while we wait?" I asked.

"Well..." Linkette said, "I heard him muttering it will take 3 days for him to fix, so I guess me and Saria could teach you to play the Ocarina."

"That works," I agreed, as we spent the rest of the day with Linkette and Saria teaching me, and Midna who decided to learn as well. Though we had to put up with Navi complaining about it taking so long.

That night I waited until Navi was asleep and woke the others without waking her.

"After how annoying Navi was today, I would like to prank her tomorrow. " I explained. "Any of you want to help?"

This got agreement from the others and Ember mentioned an incident with Fairy Fleas, which are fleas that have adapted to having fairies as hosts, getting me, Saria, and Linkette to smirk.

-Navi's POV-

When the second day of waiting came I found it to be horrible. I woke up to find Linkette, Saria, and Luna were gone while Midna, Ember, and Kone were still here.

"Where are the others?" I questioned, before grimacing as I felt an itch in three different places, one on my left breast, one on my stomach, and one on my thigh.

"They got tired of you complaining about the wait and decided to go see if anyone needed their help," Midna smirked. "They left us to tell you so you couldn't stop them from leaving, or follow them. They'll be back tomorrow."

"At least they are doing something productive," I grimaced feeling the itches again. "Though I don't know how they expect to get anything done without me there to keep them on track."

I spent the rest of the day trying to deal with the itches which moved! The itch on my breast headed down my cleavage and up the other one, up my hand and arm when I tried to scratch it, over my shoulder and down my back to the top of my butt crack before stopping. The itch on my stomach went around my stomach, then when I tried to scratch it, it avoided my hand entirely and headed down around the edge of my viggina, but not actually touching it, and stopped at the bottom of my butt crack. The one on my thigh went around my leg in a circle, up the side of my waist dodging my hand when I tried to scratch it, over my butt cheek, and stopping at the side of my butt cheek.

It was at that point I finally caved, and told the others to check where I found out I had gotten fairy fleas, despite being the only fairy to avoid the fairy flea infestation of a few years ago.

"Luckily it is just the beginning stages, I'll have to find the plants for a flea bath tomorrow, it is too late at this point. And far too dangerous not to deal with it fast." I sighed. "And I thought I had avoided this when the fairy flea invasion happened years ago, and I was the only one that didn't get any."

"How dangerous is it?" Midna asked.

"if it goes on long enough it can drive a fairy to fatal levels of distraction," Ember said, "the itching gets so bad that it is all you can think about and you don't notice the predators that want to eat you."

"It's why Linkette never had a guardian fairy before me," I agreed.

"What?!" The others said in shock.

"My younger sister, Ciela, was supposed to be her guardian fairy." I said remembering. "But the day Linkette arrived in the forest and Ciela was sent to be her guardian fairy was in the middle of the fairy flea invasion. It distracted her so much she got lost. I went to find her, only to find she had somehow awoken an evil spirit named Bellum, who chased her into another dimension. I'm pretty sure he killed her, but I never knew for sure. I did find strands of memories from her around the closed beach between dimensions, showing her leaving this world and being assigned as Linkette's Guardian Fairy. So even if she didn't die which would be difficult, she would think she was a native of whatever dimension she ended up in and thus not return. Still I always guessed that meant it was fate Linkette grew up without a fairy guardian."

Suddenly I felt all three itch points suddenly become a lot stronger, which usually meant they had just multiplied.

"Right. Good night." I said before charging headfirst into a tree to knock myself out so the fairy fleas would not wake me.

-Luna's POV-

After Midna caught Navi, we grew back to our normal animal sizes from where we had ended up crawling around and biting her body at the size of fairy fleas, me from the side of the butt crack, Saria from the top of it, and Linkette from the bottom, all of us gagging from taking a much larger bite instead of only using our teeth so we did not taste her nasty flesh. But hearing what she said, about it being fate she grew up without a fairy. We wanted her to pay. We even got lucky and Kone had found a nest of actual Fairy Fleas, while avoiding Navi earlier that day, and we got Midna to move some of them onto Navi to take our place, so none of us, especially Kone who had barely noticed them in time not to be infected, got infected ourselves.

Me and Saria spent the rest of the night, and the next day comforting Linkette over what could have been. While when Navi woke up she had to take a disgusting fairy flea bath that the combined ingredients, much to her dismay, smelled like week old sewage, making us make her stay downwind of us. Though eventually the cannon was fixed and we used it to shoot ourselves to the City in the Sky along with Ooccoo and her son who hopped in at the last moment.

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