Chapter One

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Alivia- 2 months old
Denver, Colorado

"Your crying isn't going to make me feel bad, it's your fault if you don't want to sleep," Isaiah teases his crying 2 month old daughter Alivia. Jamal went to Costco with Isabelle and Mrs. Briscoe to buy something for the house. Although, Jamal can still take Isabelle and Alivia to the game tonight despite of him still being sidelined since he was still trying to recover from the birth of his second baby. However, there were times that the fans were asking when Jamal is going back to the game. Although, he will think about it first when his fiancé goes to the international game. At this moment, Jamal comes back from Costco with Isabelle and his soon to be mother in law. "Hey babe, I just came back from Costco to pick up something for the house," He heard Alivia crying when Isaiah was teasing her about not sleeping.

"Awwwww, what's the matter with my Livy poo?" Jamal went to him when he was holding a crying two month old baby girl. "I was just playing with her and then she started crying afterwards," "It's okay babe, I can put her to nap," Jamal added instantly. "Besides, Isabelle usually sleeps beside her," Isaiah hands Alivia back to Jamal.

Jamal Murray: Awwww what did daddy do to you hmm? I'll put you to nap ok Livy Poo?

Jamal goes upstairs to take Alivia to the room to put her to nap in the bassinet as Isabelle follows him around. In fact, there were photos of Jamal holding Isabelle after going through 7-8+ hours of labor and then with Alivia. Although, it wasn't a problem to Jamal because he can stay at home with his two kids including Isabelle and Alivia.

~ Jamal Murray POV: Solo parenting ~

Alivia- 4 months old
Denver, Colorado

Isaiah was getting ready to go to the game as Jamal was preparing breakfast for the family. Somehow, he would have to be doing solo parenting especially when his fiancé is going away for the game. However, it may be the hardest part for Jamal to deal with his partner being away for the game, but little did Jamal know he would feel like a single mother.

"Okay Jamal love, I'm going to Germany for the International game," Isaiah said as he was getting ready to leave for the country to play with his teammates. "Okay, I'll see you in two weeks then?" Jamal answers kissing him on the lips. "Alright Jamal," When Isaiah was leaving for the international game, he was asking one question. "Oh and before that, are you taking Isabelle and Alivia to Kitchener?" "Yes I'm taking them with me," He said. "Oh okay," Jamal sees Isaiah Briscoe leaving home to go to the game. Somehow, he doesn't want him to leave due to the fact that he had to go, but he knew he had to do things without Isaiah, but at least he has Isabelle and Alivia with him.

2 weeks later,

Jamal takes Isabelle and Alivia to Kitchener to be with his parents and little brother. Lamar was happy to see his nieces. Alivia may have been handful just like Isabelle due to the fact that they were trying to get used to the changes. Thus, Sylvia and Roger's family came over from Jamaica and Syria to see their granddaughters. They went out to eat at the restaurant and they were so excited to see the two girls. Well it was hard at first for Jamal to go through the process of doing a Solo Parenting, but he took photos and sent it to Isaiah. Isaiah Briscoe placed the heart reaction on the photos and Jamal leaves the heartwarming message on Isaiah's text message when Isaiah sent the picture to him when he was traveling to Germany

Isaiah Briscoe: I'm at the Neuschwanstein Castle.

Jamal Murray: Wow! That's so cool! Send pics babe 😘

Isaiah Briscoe: No worries my love.

Jamal Murray: can you call me when you get to the hotel room?

Isaiah Briscoe: sure love, I'll FaceTime you so that I can talk to our babies.

Jamal Murray: ok noted!

After heading out with the family, Jamal usually cleans the kids' teeth by using the soft toothbrush and do stuff in their daily routine. Although, they were having the greatest time of their lives. Yet, he calls him on FaceTime as Isabelle and Alivia were joining the phone call.

Isabelle: Hi Daddy

Isaiah Briscoe: Hi there girlies. How was your stay at your mommy's hometown?

Isabelle: great! We had so much fun.

Isaiah Briscoe: that's good.

Alivia: Daddy!

Isaiah Briscoe: I miss you all.

Jamal Murray: we miss you too babe.

Isaiah Briscoe: No worries, I will be home in few weeks.

Jamal Murray: okay no problem.

Isaiah Briscoe: love you.

Jamal Murray: Love you too.

Isabelle & Alivia: see you soon daddy

Isaiah Briscoe: Okay babies.

They ended the call.

Jamal Murray 💭: He better come home right away 😤

Isabelle and Alivia napped beside their mother.

Even at Germany, Isaiah Briscoe was thinking of Jamal and his two girls. However, he had a thought knowing that Jamal is going to be mad at him.

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