Chapter Twenty

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~ Gender Reveal ~
Jamal Murray- 7 months pregnant
Denver, Colorado

Isabelle, Alivia and Raelynn were there at the Murray-Briscoe residence in Denver where their parents were having a gender reveal party. Jamal's teammates and family came over to their house for the party. Not only that, Nikola and Mike showed up for the gender reveal. Yet, the fans were giving out the baby items for the family as they were gathering together.

"Here's your Venti Strawberry Açaí love," Isaiah Briscoe comes to Jamal with the Starbucks Order. "Awww thank you babe," He smiled knowing that it was Jamal's favorite drink during his pregnancy. "No wonder why I ordered the same thing when I was pregnant with our Isabelle, Alivia and Raelynn," He added. "Anything for my beautiful wife that I married," Not only did Jamal have the surprise coming. Tyler Ulis was there with them and yet, Lamar has a boyfriend. Although, Lamar will be ready to have a baby anytime when the time comes. When Isaiah's mother prepared the boy or girl cake, Jamal and Isaiah were the first ones to slice the cake and it had the pink icing in it.

Jamal Murray: babe, we're having another girl.

Isaiah Briscoe: awesome!

Isabelle, Alivia and Raelynn were squealing knowing that they're going to have another sister. Not only that, the Murray and Briscoe family were excited since they're going to have another girl in the family.

Jamal Murray POV: my night time with my husband
- Time lapse to his 36 weeks of pregnancy-

Master bedroom,

Jamal feels the passionate love as he gets a lot of kisses from his husband. Isaiah would always wonder how Jamal is doing. "How's my beautiful Half-Arab wife doing?" "Doing great! Just bored out of my mind," He said. "I mean being at home with our kids, we can still be bored all the time," "You could never get bored with me," Isaiah chuckles. "As long as I'm with you and for our babies," Later on, he kissed his baby bump causing him to giggle.

"I like it when you giggle," He gives Jamal a tickle. "Who's my beautiful pregnant wife? You," "Baby..." Jamal blushed knowing that Isaiah was giving him the love and affection. "Stop, our daughters will hear us," He tells him. "Oh sorry," He stopped for a moment and before going to the backyard for a smoke break. (Side note: Isaiah Briscoe is not using the cigarette, he will be vaping.) Although, he had other plans to do something without having Jamal to notice what Isaiah was doing.

Isaiah snuck past in the room as he takes the vape without Jamal seeing him. However, he would be waiting for him to be back in the room.

Isaiah Briscoe 💭: Goodness! I don't want my pregnant wife to see this 😳 but I quit smoking anyway. I was thinking if I am going to make him less upset, I can think of something to keep myself busy. Maybe I could go out to clubbing.

Isaiah started calling his friend and his friend asked if he wanted to go to the nightclub but he was telling him that he couldn't stay any longer because his pregnant wife will be looking for him.

Isaiah Briscoe: I would love to stay in the club for a longer time but Jamal is going to look for me.

Isaiah Briscoe: Jamal's my wife and I wanted to be there with him. Also, he's pregnant.

Isaiah Briscoe: Okay I'll check on him to make sure he's asleep.

He ended the call, went upstairs and went to the room to get ready to go clubbing. He checked on Jamal and yet, he was already asleep. (Note: Jamal was dressed up in a dark purple satin nightgown.)

Isaiah Briscoe: *Whispers* I'll be back, see you later my love.

He leaves the house, locks the door and drove to Herb's Hideout to catch up with his Kentucky Wildcats Teammates. Although, there was a young NBA player who would try to flirt with him. Isaiah was warning him that he has a wife and children.

Isaiah Briscoe: I don't know what to say this but Jamal's my wife and I don't want to hurt his feelings.

Harry Giles III: Wait a minute! Jamal Murray is your wife?

Isaiah Briscoe: yes and he's pregnant with my baby girl.

Harry Giles III: I should've known that you were married.

Tyler Ulis: what on earth was that?

Isaiah Briscoe: he was trying to flirt with me, but I have a wife.

Tyler Ulis: Wow! Unbelievable.

Isaiah Briscoe: I have to get home to my wife and kids.

Tyler Ulis: you should.

Isaiah had to cut the clubbing short and decided to head home. Although, Isaiah had realized that he wanted to go home to his wife. Next, he parks his car in the driveway, opens the door, locks it and then goes upstairs to the master bedroom to take a shower. Not only did Isaiah went to the bathroom, Jamal wakes up to see Isaiah entering the bathroom.

Isaiah Briscoe: Jamal? I thought you were asleep

Jamal Murray: hey babe.

Isaiah Briscoe: Waited for your beloved husband huh?

Jamal Murray: Actually I do because I knew you'd come home, but good thing you didn't stay in the club for long.

He chuckled happily when Jamal had waited for Isaiah to come home realizing that he learned a valuable lesson not to leave him hanging especially when he's the mother of his three girls. Even when they were expecting their first baby together, Isaiah came into a realization that he didn't want to leave Jamal.

Isaiah Briscoe: I love you my dear wife.

Jamal Murray: I love you too babe.

Isaiah Briscoe: especially with our babies. I didn't even know how amazing you were just to be a mother to our little bundles.

Jamal Murray: yep.

Author's Note:

Isaiah has learned his valuable lesson not to leave Jamal hanging since I decided to make this as a good plot for it. Now that Jamal and Isaiah have the 4th baby on the way, the first thing they would do is to determine if Jamal decides to have a baby at home or hospital? Mine, I would prefer for Jamal to have a baby in the hospital.- Jessica

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