Chapter Seven

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{ Jamal Murray POV: Staying at home with my fiancé }

Jamal Murray- 8 months and 38 weeks pregnant
Denver, Colorado

Jamal was dressed up in a light pink satin nightgown as Isabelle and Alivia were there sleeping beside their mother. Isaiah Briscoe plants a kiss on Jamal's forehead just to keep him accompanied. You can tell that Isaiah loved him so much and knows that Jamal is a mother to their two daughters. "Good morning my honey love," Isaiah smiles rubbing Jamal's baby bump in circles with his left hand. "Good morning babe," Jamal opens his eyes. It was a huge surprise when Isaiah acknowledged that he feels complete around him.

Isaiah Briscoe: Do you want to go out to places and stroll around?

Jamal Murray: sure, we can do that.

Isabelle wakes up and asked. "Mommy, are we going out today?" "Yes sweetie, we are. Your mommy Jamal wants to go to the mall," He said. They were in the master bedroom when Isabelle noticed her mom's baby bump was large. "Mommy, your tummy big now," Isabelle said. Jamal became surprised when she saw that his baby bump was very large that would protrude from his nightgown. "Oh right! Your mommy's going to have a big baby," Jamal got up to go to the bathroom and yet, Isabelle was right.

Jamal Murray: babe look at what happened, my baby bump is huge 😟😳

Isaiah Briscoe: Oh my, I heard.

Jamal Murray: I have a feeling that I'm going to have a big baby at birth.

Jamal Murray POV: when you're 6'4" and pregnant with a big baby 😵.

Isaiah Briscoe: it's alright my love 😘. She will be out in no time.

Jamal Murray: Actually, I changed my mind, let's stay home.

Isaiah Briscoe: right! You wouldn't want to have a baby outside of the house.

Jamal Murray: correct!

Isabelle: are we going out today daddy?

Isaiah Briscoe: Maybe next time after your mommy's birth

Isabelle: Okay.

Next, they were watching in the room together as Isaiah holds Alivia and Isabelle snuggles next to Jamal. Yet, they were staying home like any other families would do. Somehow, Jamal admitted he ate a lot during his pregnancy with Isabelle in which it she weighed at 9 pounds when she was born.

Jamal Murray: babe before Isabelle was born, you were at work and I was home watching TV. One thing I noticed from the fridge was my boba milk tea and the fruit tarts. Usually, my mom left the chocolate croissant on the table that she bought from the bakery. So after lunch, all I had was 3 donuts.

Isaiah Briscoe: Oh wow.

Jamal Murray: not only that, I stopped by at Paris Baguette with my dad just to order 3 slices of cake and I ate them again and 3 fruit tarts. My goodness, I'm the worst person to go to the stupid bakery just to eat everything 🥴

Isaiah Briscoe: oh my.

Jamal Murray: also, my mom cooked Falafel for dinner, so I had 3 plates of Falafel with Basmati Rice and Mohalabia, but I had no idea Isabelle was going to be that heavy at birth.

Isaiah Briscoe: Wow.

Jamal Murray: What do you expect? It's a nightmare 😵. Not to mention I ate 12 pieces of chocolate cupcakes that my friend bought from the supermarket.

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