Chapter Ten

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~ Discharge Day ~
Denver, Colorado

Jamal was discharged from the hospital with the baby in his arms even though he had to be on a wheelchair since he birthed a ten pound baby. Isaiah may have had the flaws where it had to be the most toughest part of dealing with his fiancée. Isabelle and Alivia would follow their parents around and decided to sleep with their mother and baby sister instead. "Be quiet and gentle on your mommy okay girls?" Isaiah said. "Okay daddy," In that moment, Jamal was still exhausted from the pain of giving birth to their third child and Isaiah had to take the leave from the international game to care for his fiancée and the kids. At least, it can give them some time for Jamal to recover from the birth before returning back to the game. It would take 3 months or so for Jamal to be walking since he's still resting.

Isabelle: Mommy.

Alivia: Mommy.

Isaiah Briscoe: try to be gentle on your mommy, he's trying to recover from the birth.

Isabelle: I know daddy.

Isaiah Briscoe POV:

My daughters and I were in the master bedroom while their mom is resting after the birth of our third baby girl. I know that Jamal has been very extremely tired out but was able to bond with the little bundles in the house.

Isaiah Briscoe: How are you feeling my love?

Jamal Murray: still tired as usual.

Isaiah Briscoe: I know, but you were amazing love. You brought another baby girl to this world. She has been growing in your womb for 9 months and now she's here.

Jamal Murray: Correct.

Isaiah Briscoe: you should rest now love.

One week had passed and Jamal is still on bed rest.

Isaiah Briscoe POV:

Today is my day that I have been helping Jamal sit on the wheelchair since he's still trying to recover from the birth of our third baby girl. Although, my girls and I took him out on a walk and they were doing well. Apparently, it wasn't a problem to me because I love them and he's a mother to my three girls. Somehow, I admitted my wrongdoings for not being there for him when he went in labor with my babies, so I managed to make it up to the person that I loved. All I wanted to do was give Jamal kisses every time I wake up in the morning to get ready to go to the basketball game. I always do that during his pregnancy with Isabelle, Alivia and Raelynn. Whenever I go grocery shopping and other stuff. However, Nikola Jokic comes by to visit the house to look after Jamal and my three girls. I felt very sorry for talking bad about Nikola, but aye! He's a good friend.

"I'll go grocery shopping," Isaiah said kissing him on the forehead. Next, Nikola rings the doorbell and Isabelle opens the door. "Hi Uncle Nikola," "Hi there little one, is your mommy Jamal here?" "Yes, he's upstairs in the room," "Okay great, I just want to check in with him," Nikola goes upstairs to see Jamal. "Hi there Jamal," "Hi man! What's up?"

Nikola Jokic: I heard that you were tired after the birth of your third baby, so I thought I'd drop by for the groceries.

Jamal Murray: thanks but you didn't have to do that.

Nikola Jokic: I know and I'm not here to hit on you, I mean did Isaiah say anything about me?

Jamal Murray: no.

Nikola Jokic: Okay.

When Isaiah came home. "Oh hi Nikola," "Hi Isaiah," He said. "What are you doing here?" "Just checking on Jamal and he's still resting. Besides, is there anything I can do for you? I can watch the two girls," "That will be great," He nodded. Somehow, Isaiah was explaining about how bad he had felt for being angry with Nikola Jokic.

Isaiah Briscoe: Look, I'm not happy with what I did. I was trying to protect Jamal because I didn't want anything bad happen to him. Yet, he's a great teammate, girlfriend and a mother to my three girls.

Nikola Jokic: hey it's okay bro, I understand.

Isaiah Briscoe: I mean you wished you would've been his boyfriend right?

Nikola Jokic: yes and I would be the father of his babies.

Isaiah Briscoe: yep.

Nikola Jokic: just do your thing and I'll watch Isabelle and Alivia over.

(In case you're wondering who Nikola is dating in this Parallel 2 story: Nikola Jokic is dating Michael Porter Jr.)

Nikola Jokic: and I have another guest coming.

Isaiah Briscoe: who?

Nikola Jokic: my girlfriend.

Isabelle opens the door.

Isabelle: Hi Auntie Mike.

Michael Porter Jr: Hi Isabelle.

Isabelle: Uncle Nikola is here.

Michael Porter Jr: Oh okay, I'll look for him.

Nikola Jokic: Honey, I didn't expect to see you.

Michael Porter Jr: so I heard you were babysitting Isabelle and Alivia.

Nikola Jokic: Yes since Isabelle and Alivia were still in the living room.

Michael Porter Jr: how about this? I'll ask Jamal and Isaiah if we can take them out with us to go to the mall.

Nikola Jokic: sure that would be great.

Mike went upstairs to ask Jamal and Isaiah if they can take the two girls out for a stroll. "Sure Mike, thank you so much," "Anytime," He said. "Come on little munchkins let's go," Mike takes Isabelle and Alivia out for a stroll at the mall.

Jamal Murray & Isaiah Briscoe: The Parallel 2Where stories live. Discover now