Chapter Eighteen

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~ Jamal Murray and Isaiah Briscoe Baby No.4~
Denver, Colorado

Isaiah wakes up to see Jamal sleeping along with their three girls Isabelle, Alivia and Raelynn. Well it was not unusual for Isaiah to wake up to see his wife sleeping soundly. Although, he noticed the note on the table that had the note that says open me. When Isaiah opens the box that has the positive pregnancy test and yet, Jamal goes behind him. "Wait! You're pregnant?" His wife nodded. "Yes Isaiah and we're going to have another fourth baby," Everyone in the house were excited that Jamal is pregnant again with the fourth baby.

Isaiah Briscoe POV:

Jamal and I are very excited to share that we are expanding a family member. My three girls, Isabelle, Alivia and Raelynn are going to be big sisters to their unborn sibling. Yet, we haven't figure out what the gender of our baby is going to be that's why I am cradling his baby bump. I can hardly wait for July 2023 that the three girls are going to be big sisters.

{ Murray-Briscoe Baby coming July 2023 👣👶🏻

~ 3 months later ~

Isabelle, Alivia and Raelynn snuggled close to their mother's side as Isaiah bonds with them. Yet, the three girls were feeling the movement on their mother's baby bump. Thus, they know that they're going to be big sisters. Somehow, they wanted to have another kid in their family, so Jamal made it come true for them that they're adding another addition to the family member. In the meantime, they were hoping that he and Isaiah would have a baby boy since they already have girls in the family.

In some ways,

Raelynn would find a way to be in the middle of the conversation when Jamal and Isaiah were there having their nights together, just like her two older sisters Isabelle and Alicia when they were in Raelynn's age. Despite of their problems with their relationship and marriage, Jamal had to deal with Isaiah going to the international game, but had to come back due to Jamal begging him to stay.

Isaiah Briscoe: I know that I have been a total disappointment when I didn't think that I could come back home from the game. However, I didn't want to strain our marriage because of the game.

Jamal Murray: if that's the case, why don't you consider returning to NBA so that you can take care of our babies while I go to the Denver Nuggets game.

(The three girls' mother is a point guard for the Denver Nuggets.)

Isaiah Briscoe: I know and don't worry, I'll try to go there, okay?

Jamal Murray: sure you can do that.

Isaiah Briscoe: But I'm happy that you're pregnant with a fourth child. We're going to have another baby together just like I promised.

Raelynn: Mommy.

Isaiah Briscoe: Oh no, we woke our daughter up.

Jamal Murray: That's fine, I'll sing her to sleep.

Jamal sings Raelynn to sleep with his Arabic lullaby and she fell asleep instantly after hearing the singing voice from her mother. Not only that they will have another baby on the way

Author's Note:

Jamal and Isaiah are excited to share that they're having another baby and the three girls will be a big sisters to their unborn sibling. Well stay tuned for more updates- Jessica

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