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AFTER some random dude, whom Paige recognised as Tristan, a kid who used to be in her bio class before she moved, claimed he was Estella's secret boyfriend, Matt had stormed off, and so had Estella.

Ellie then pushed Tristan off the counter and told him to get lost, then made a speech about herself.

Paige rolled her eyes then noticed Chris had disappeared, curious, she decided to find him.

She had searched the whole house after 30 minutes and still couldn't find him. Finally, she decided to check the cinema, and she was completely horrified.

Ellie was ontop of Chris, they were slobbering all over eachother and continued to do so until Paige shrieked everywhere.

Chris jumped and threw Ellie off of him.

"What is wrong with you?!" She screamed. "How could you do that to Matt? How could you do that, period?!"

Ellie wiped some of the smudged lipstick off her mouth, before apologising to Chris.

She walked past Paige and apologised to her, in return, Paige shoulder barged her, since Ellie was in heels she toppled to the side and stumbled out of the room.

Chris glared at Paige.

"What's wrong with you?" He snapped

"Whats wrong with me?! No honey what's wrong with you?!" She yelled at him, "You do realise you just made out with Matt's ex?! And you're completely sober! She's drunk!"

"Sorry I got distracted." Chris retorts

"Oh please, you're an asshole!" She snaps "You need help!"

Chris scoffed and stormed out, Paige rolled her eyes, shoving past him to find Matt, trying to get him to take her home.


I hate writing Chris fics 😭

But i have to feed the Chris girlies.

Love yall. Also for Matt girlies you can still read this book theres a few things between Estella and Matt just from Paige and Chris's point of view, not a lot but still more than in their own book which is sort of sad tbh 😭

Anyway, this book will be written all the way up until the two years later mark bcs why nott.

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