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2 months later...

PAIGE picked at her plate, she was visiting her parents, they had an annual family dinner each year at Christmas, a get together, even Paige's brother was there.

It was still an awkward dinner, all you could hear was the clink of forks tapping against the plate.

Paige, mistakenly, cleared her throat.

"So, um, how is everyone? Anything new?" She asked, stabbing at her turkey which look like someone just shat on it.

"Your father got fired." Her mother said, sounding proud about her ex husbands failure.

"Your mother spent all her money on a dior bag." Her father snapped back

"Which one?" Paige asked through a mouthfull, just to be ignored.

"Your father has a new girlfriend and got her pregnant." Her mother stabbed back.

Paige's father was left agape, everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Oh! Can't forget the fact that she's 23." Her mother smiled.

"What the fuck. Dad that's my age! You're dating a girl that's my age? God I think im gonna be sick." Paige screamed, standing up from the table and running to the bathroom.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Archie, Paige's brother finally spoke. "Seriously? 23?"

"Your mother!-"

"Stop making stabs at mom, what you did is fucked up. Thanks for inviting me to dinner but im gone." Archie stood up and grabbed his coat, slamming the front door behind him.

Paige was violently throwing up the rubbery shit covered turkey and sobbing uncontrollably in the bathroom.

After a while she came out, she had cleaned herself up, but instead of saying goodbye to her parents, she found out her dad had went home and her mom had locked herself in her room.

She sighed in frustration and stepped outside. They were in her moms house in LA.

Paige stepped toward her car, just to realise the tire had been busted.

"Fuck!" She screamed.

It would be a huge favour to ask, but, sge was stranded.

Paige went through her phone and called Estella, no answer, then Nick, no answer, then Matt, it rung once, then twice.

"Hello?" Matt asked, Paige could swear she coukd hear muffled music.

"Where are you right now?" She asked

"Making out with Estella in my room, why? Is it important?" Matt asked.

Paige sighed "I mean where in the world are you Matthew?"

"Oh, LA, why?" He asked

"Reckon you can pick me up from my mom's? Its a long story but my dad knocked up a 23 year old and our annual 'family' dinner got ruined." She explained.

"Oh, I'll come pick you up, sure, what about your car though?" Matt asked

"Someone genuinely slit my tyre, don't suppose it was Chris was it?" She asked.

"I doubt it." Matt sighed, she heard music get louder and then the slam of a door.

"Where are we going?" Paige heard Estella's voice in the phone.

"To pick up Paige." Matt replied

"Ew." A masculine voice responded "Why?"

"Because dipshit, I said." Matt rolled his eyes and revved the engine "Paige I'll call when im there."

And with that Matt hung up. And Paige was once again, alone.


How adorable, its CHRISTMAS

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