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PAIGE lay in her bed, she was leaving in 2 days, part of her had wanted to find Chris and ammend things between them, but she couldn't bring herself to do it, especially with how selfish he'd been acting recently.

Still, she was clearing her mind of Chris, and all men in fact. She had been spending more time with Estella since she was her best friend, thought it became sickening due to how much Estella spoke of Matt.

It became regularly annoying when Estella went on and on about things her and Matt did. Eventually Paige would switch the conversation but it always led back to her and Matt.

It was selfish but Paige knew she meant no harm, she had never had a boyfriend before because everyone called her revolting. She was excited to share a new page in her life with Paige, whereas Paige had had at least 15 boyfriends in her lifetime.

She was only 22.

Also it was her last day with Estella, tommorow she would be packing to leave.

Paige had thought she wanted to leave Boston but now she wasn't sure. She missed her friends from
college but she was going to really miss Estella.

Things were complicated.


Yes boo they are. You're going home to college soon and Chrizz is gonna be all on his own. Womp Womp.


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