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TW- mentions of anxiety, body dysmorphia, depression and ed.


AFTER Matt had picked Paige up (he also towed her car), he brought her home to his and his brothers house, usually she never visited at Christmas, she barely visited at all actually, the last time was in October, and she had only stayed a couple weeks.

Estella was over the moon to see Paige, so was everyone except Chris, who seemed pissed.

"Who shat in your cereal?" She asked, glaring over at him a little, but not rudely, she was over what had happened a couple months ago, it was childish to be bothered when it didn't affect her.

"Nobody took a shit in my cereal Paige, go bother someone else" He huffed, scrolling on his phone.

"I will when you stop stalking my Instagram." She said, giving him a playful grin "You've liked 6 if my posts."

"No! They're just on my page!" He snapped

Paige rolled her eyes, if Chris wanted to act childish then so be it, but she wasn't going to go on like this "Chris I'm sorry for yelling at you last time but you seriously need to grow up, it's over, I dont know what your problem is but honestly you're acting like a big baby, if you're gonna sit here and mope I'm going to grab some drinks if you want any now is your chance" She said

"Can you grab me a Pepsi?" Chris looked her in the eye.

"Sure. When I get us both a Pepsi we can talk." Paige stood up and walked into the kitchen. Chris mentally hit himself for being such an ass, of course Paige had apologised, she was too nice not to, instead he looked like an inconsiderate asshole because she had apologised.

Paige was gone for a while, Chris started to worry, they were having a small Christmas party with close friends, surely it didn't take that long to grab two Pepsi's?

Chris stood up to walk toward the kitchen where Paige had entered, Chris looked around to find Paige talking to a couple people, typical.

She was stood there with Nate, Madi and another guy Chris didn't recognise.

"Oh! Chris!" Paige called him over "This is Cardan, Madi's friend."

Chris grimaced, the guy stretched his hand out for Chris to shake, simply to be met with a scowl from him.Paige continued talking and flirting with the guys, finally, two pepsi's in hand she took Chris's and brought him away.

"I don't wanna talk." Chris snapped "And don't fucking dare touch me, you're not my girlfriend."

"I never said I was." Paige stepped back, seemingly hurt.


"Then stop acting like you are, I would never date you anyway, who would? Plus I have a girlfriend." He lied

Paige laughed, but it sounded wobbly "God I don't know how she can stick you then." She snapped, turning on her heel and walking away quickly.

Chris didn't know why he lied about having a girlfriend, he got this odd feeling seeing Paige speak to Cardan, even though she was just being her usual bubbly self, Chris didn't like the way Cardan looked at her.

Paige on the other hand, was close to tears in Nick's room, whilst Nick comforted her. She didn't explain what was wrong, but through her choked sobs Nick could tell it wasn't just one thing.

Between Chris and her parents, she couldn't take it anymore, it took everything in her not to break down infront of Chris, but she wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

Two knocks on Nick's door, Matt walked in, he began to speak before he saw Paige in Nick's arms.


Matt immediately knelt down beside her, he knew Paige quite well. He knew since she was young she struggled with anxiety and depression, he knew she had ADHD since he was with her whilst she got diagnosed, he knew she was sensitive to what people thought about her, he knew she was incredibly insecure about her body, anytime she saw an image of herself since the age of twelve, she spiralled and stopped eating.


Matt and Paige weren't close, but he still knew a lot about her, a lot he also learned from Estella.

"Paige? You okay?" He asked

Paige nodded.

"What happened?" Nick asked

"Everything." She choked out "Chris snapped at me outside, my dad got someone my age pregnant, my mom and dad are fighting, my family fell apart ages ago but it feels like it's breaking even more."

"What the fuck did Chris say?" Matt snapped

"Something about how he'd never date me, and that he had a girlfriend, then he asked who would, and I don't know it just set me off" She wiped her eyes.

Matt stormed out of the room, he grabbed Chris by the collar. "What is wrong with you?"

"Dude! What's your problem?" Chris snaps.

"Paige is sobbing in Nick's room, because of you, also, why the fuck did you say you had a girlfriend? Because you and I both know that's bullshit." Matt snaps.

"Because she was practically kissing Cardan's ass!" Chris snaps back.

Matt starts to laugh "Are you fucking demented?"

"What are you talking about?" Chris asks

"Chris! Cardan is gay!" Matt yells

"Oh." Chris simply says "Well I didn't know that!"

Matt lets his brother go and rolls his eyes.

"Babe?" Estella appears behind Matt "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Matt takes his girlfriend into his arms and Chris grimaces.



Im adding to the playlist so check that out, I can't be bothered adding to the actual book so just check on spotify. I really think the song Now That We Don't Talk, by Taylor Swift really suits Paige and Chris. I also think Is It Over Now? Suits Estella and Matt but I cba going back to enchanted so if you haven't read that book yet defo go check that out!

Love yall!

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