Bounty Hunters

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Senate district - Coruscant

Following his heroics on Scipio, Chief was put in charge of a medium-sized protection taskforce that pre-emptively dealt with possible threats before the main security force moved in. Most of the time it was just making sure the Senate residences were clear before a senator arrived back from their homeworld. Chief usually just delegated this job to his subordinates while he handled the off-world assignments. It would generally consist of Chief arriving with around four to six other troopers, securing the conference center and landing pad before waiting for the senator to arrive. Then they would move on to the next location or return to Coruscant.

At the moment, Chief was stationed on Coruscant and was busy securing the top three floors of the Senate apartment building. There were dark clouds looming overhead, reflecting the mood of the Jedi Temple and many troopers in the GAR. General Kenobi had recently been assassinated by a bounty hunter by the name of Rako Hardeen while on a night out with Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. In response to his funeral, many people from across the galaxy were coming to pay their respects to the fallen master, three of these people included Padme Amidala, Ryio Chuchi, and even the dutchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryz.

Chief was personally making sure that the apartment building was safe. Not only out of respect for Senator Chuchi because of what she did during his trial, but also because if the Dutchess was harmed there would be a major galactic incident, one which the Republic could not afford at the moment. As the armored warrior made his last checks through his comm, an air speeder carrying the three female politicians came into view.

Landing just in front of the spartan, Chief saluted the congregation before offering a not-so-warm welcome to the group. Spartans were not good in social situations, especially when it came to grieving loved ones and emotional moments. When Chief talked to Fives after the Citadel mission it was completely different, Chief was talking to a brother and a fellow soldier about something that only warriors understand; the sacrifice of war. Echo gave his life in service of the Republic, something Chief could understand and justify. But what happened to General Kenobi can't be explained or reasoned, it was just pure cold-hearted murder and there were no words Chief had that could help.

Instead, Chief gave his briefing to Senator Amidala regarding the security measures in place. The Naboo senator understood why Chief was giving her this information, he was there to protect them, not to give them comfort. Everyone had their jobs to do and security was the Chief's, and Amidala wouldn't have it any other way, especially after what happened on Scipio.

Time skip
Jedi Temple - Coruscant

Master Kenobi's funeral was a standard Jedi ritual, from what Chief understood; the grandmaster of the order would give a few words before a moment of silence would be held in remembrance. Unlike most Jedi funerals, a surprising number of non-Jedi members were attending. The most obvious person was Dutchess Satine of Mandalore. Curious, Chief asked Padawan Tano what the relationship between her and the fallen general was. Telling him that when he was a padawan, Obi-wan and Satine secretly developed feelings for each other while on the run from bounty hunters. After the assignment finished, the two broke it off and rarely spoke to each other since.

Though his emotional capacity wasn't that high, Chief could clearly see that the Mandalorian ruler still had unresolved feelings for the bearded general by the way she was crying her eyes out in muffled whimpers while Senator Amidala comforted her. On completely the opposite side of the noise spectrum was Skywalker. Apparently, he had not said a word since the incident and was taking it even harder than the Dutchess. Even though Chief was not Force-sensitive, he could feel the anger coming off of Skywalker in waves and he wasn't alone, throughout the funeral almost every Jedi in the room glanced in his direction to make sure they were sensing things right.

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