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"Click "

"Let's try something a bit more casual. Can you give me a relaxed, natural smile?" I shifted my gaze from the camera to the male model in front of me, dressed in a professional outfit. A black ironed pant, a plain white shirt with black tie, a black blazer and a stylish Titan watch to complete the look.

His hair well gelled and his face shining bright in daylight. He comprehend my words and eased his facial muscles before giving a sweet & natural smile to camera.

I continued taking pictures, then turned my attention back to the male model for further instructions.
"Could you playfully put your tie in your mouth for a seductive look?"

He took the end of the tie and touched it gently with his lips while his face giving an attractive look. I quickly snapped a few shots before giving him instruction about next pose.

After finishing this look, I sat on a chair to relax as the model went to change into a different outfit. I grabbed a water bottle from a nearby table and gulped down a good amount of water. I'd been in the studio since 4 in the morning and hadn't had anything to eat or drink.

This shoot wasn't originally mine. Actually one of my senior isn't well so I am filling in for her today otherwise I would have slept till 12 o'clock as it's a sunday.

My phone screen lit up, and I was surprised to see the caller's Id. It was someone I had been avoiding at any cost, someone I couldn't look into eyes, someone I missed the most. My best friend, Nitya.

But why was she calling me after so many years? It had been about 9 years since we last spoke. Back then she had asked me to choose between her and her brother, and I didn't knew what to do?

In the end, I had decided to sacrifice my first love and choose friendship. Not everyone's ends with their first love and maybe I am one of them.

The sound of the green room door opening pulled me back from my trance and I decided to call back her once I reach home.

I returned back to my position and resumed my work. This time, the model appeared wearing a satin white shirt with a casual pants and messy hair.

I glanced down at my wrist watch, which displayed 7:40. After returning the camera and other equipments to their designated spots, I grabbed my purse and left the studio.

Upon reaching my apartment, I threw my purse into a random corner of the room and flopped down on the sofa.

I was nearly drifting off to sleep when a vibrating sound disrupted my peace. Oh! I sometimes hate phones. I let out a snort as my hand blindly searched for my phone.

I located it and answered the call with my eyes closed. I placed the phone near my ear before muttering a drowsy "hello."


I jolted awake, fully alert, upon hearing the familiar honeyed voice I had been longing to hear. A smile began to form on my lips but quickly faded as vivid flashbacks played before my eyes.

"Hello, who's this?" I tried to maintain an air of detachment, even though I knew who it was.

"Ah... Nitya has been trying to reach you all day, but you didn't answer, so I thought I should..." Oh, yeah, but I was busy.

"No, it's not like that. Actually, I was a bit occupied today, and I was planning to call her." I quickly defended myself.
I waited for him to respond, but when he didn't, I asked, "By the way, why did she call? I mean, it's been 9 years, and... how are you? Are you back in India?"

He didn't answer any of my questions.
"It's between the two of you, so you can call her and ask. For your information, she is getting married." I gasped in surprise. She's getting married? Well, everyone has to get married someday. But what about me?

My thoughts were interrupted. "Okay, I should hang up," he said and didn't even wait for my reply before ending the call.

How rude. He must still be angry with me. But who wouldn't be? But I thought he had a girlfriend, I heard it from a common who doesn't know about us.

Everybody moves on, and here I am who still get butterflies after listening to his voice. Well, his voice has became more husky and manly now.

How does he look like? He must've grown taller and more handsome. Alas! He is not someone I can get over nor can I get him, in short, suffer, that's what is written in my destiny.

I sighed in disbelief, before again falling on the sofa and getting absorbed by sleep.

I was literally having a very beautiful dream that I am photographing the top models of India but a bell rang and again disturbed my beauty sleep.

First I decided to ignore, just come back tomorrow who ever the person is, but the bell kept ringing, I groaned and got up.

Dragging myself to the door, I was shocked to see a delivery guy in red t-shirt before my eyes. What, when did I ordered anything?

" Excuse me, who are you looking for?" I frustratingly asked the guy.

"Is this D-97?" He questioned. I hummed in response.

He again asked "Are you miss Evara."


He handed me the pizza box that had bought with him."Ma'am, thanks for using our service. " He smiled at me and turned to walk back but I stopped him.

"Hey , I don't think I ordered anything." I told him trying my best to clear his confusion.

"No ma'am, this is for you, this is the address I was told." He went downstairs before I could ask anymore questions.

My stomach grumble, Oh, I was hungry and I am hungry. Thanks to whoever ordered the pizza, God bless them. Atleast now I won't have to cook. I was very tired.


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And if you have time, do check my other story.

Have a good day.

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