Mission not leave tae alone

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Jimin's POV:-

I opened the door abruptly but got shushed by Hobi Hyung who literally glared me ,and I being Jimin glared back ,Hobi hyung showed his hand telling me that he will slap me ,haha like I care ,right now the thing which is bothering me is What the hell this hyung is doing here with my soulmate !!!!  No I am not angry but I am jealous Tae told me last nigh that he want to be alone when I asked him If I can sleep with him and now here he is sleeping with hobi hyung ,this brat ditch me for real !!! I am breaking my all relations with him he is not worthy of my love ,he is cheater aaaaaa but I want to sleep with him ,Not like he will know that I come here he is heavy sleeper but I have to tolerate this Hobbbaaa tooo  aaaaa ok fine its about one night ( make a face and slide in blankets too)

Jimin:' What ?' I asked annoyingly as hobi hyung was glaring me

Jimin:' want to eat me ?! am I that interested to you?!' I smirk and hyung rolled his eye ,well you guys might be thinking whats the matter between me and hobi hyung ,so cant you guys guess that we had a fight !!! not little but a world war ,a war in which he won( pout) Hobi hyung beat me as I missed some steps in dance and when he confront me I shout at him that I was on right place and thats it he lost his temper and hit me with stick and more is he stopped after one hit but I showed him my tongue out ,mocking him and he just give me a good washing !! hehe I know its my fault but why should I apologize he should!?!

What!!! now this hyung is glaring me he is gone !!!

I moved forward to give hyung a hit on his shoulder and in this movement Tae ! I saw him whimpering in sleep !! my all attention divert to tae forgetting my stupid revenge from hyung , I don't know what to do and I just looked at hyung who seem to know a little that what happening

I looked at tae and he was like having a nightmare and so ! Tears were flowing from his closed eyes and Hobi hyung just hugged him tightly rubbing his back and I was all the time like a statue

Hobi:' Jiminie' I came to my senses when hyung called my name

Jimin:' Hyung what- t happen to t-tae' I shutter while asking ,I am his best friend and I even don't know about his nightmare ! its so disappointed

Hobi's POV:-

I know Jiminie is feeling bad ,I know them better than they themselves

Hobi:' Its ok Jimin we will talk about it tomorrow ' I said in whisper as I don't want Jimin to start crying now  ,these two are like one soul with two bodies ,they fight a lot on stupid things but they will destroy anyone if the person harm their love one ,Jimin is actually the most sensitive in their friendship ,he will start crying if he is losing in an argument or if tae is crying over a silly thing he will start cry too like last time tae was watching horror movie with all of us ,in our group me ,jin hyung and tae are those who can get frightened easily ,we three cant handle horror things ,that day kook forced us to watch movie ,and in between the horror scene kook scared tae and tae start crying loudly ,we all tried to make him stop crying but he didn't and the result was Jimin also started crying with tae ,so this is how these two brats are if one is hurt other is hurt too ,I know Jimin is feeling guilty right now that he was not with tae ,it might look like a drama to some people even some toxic armies says that its all act ,but its called pure friendship ,they cared about eachother a lot

And here Jimin's eyes were having tears ( sigh) I cant handle two of them together right now

Hobi:' Jiminie tae need us right now ,please don't cry ' I said hoping he will understand and yeah he wiped his tears and layed beside tae sniffing and hugged him from other side

I ruffled his hairs with my hand and he snuggle in tae 's neck and hugged him more tightly I watched until he also slept after half an hour and then I also tried to sleep .

Love me again ( taehyung centric ff ) [ Completed ] Where stories live. Discover now