Wake up please...

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The boys were mentally unstable these days .It was like if one would start crying the other would automatically will start crying too like a domino affect .It was understandable.The boys were showing a new side of them which other had not seen before .Maybe because it was the first time one of them  got seriously heart .

Jin heard Yoongi and jimin crying .He wasn't sleeping too ,he couldn't even get sleep these days ,all he think was about  his dongseangs .He know everyone was struggling ,he too was .He want to comfort his youngsters as a hyung but how could he when he himself need to be take care at this moment .

Jin the oldest,right? he should be the strength for his members ,but he failed miserly .

Jin: Why wouldn't you wake up taehyungaa? ( he whispered to himself ) Its almost like you dont want to wake up ( he said feeling anger at himself , ofcourse tae wouldn't wants to wake up ,why would he when they treated him so badly ,they have taken him For granted .

Jin knows that.

But than he also know taehyung .The taehyung who is so kindhearted and forgiving ,the cheerful boy never kept any gurge with anyone and that too with his members .Then why it felt like he don't want to wake up ?

BTS felling apart without taehyung ,BTS isn't BTS anymore.They need taehyung .The now realize that they need taehyung the way the boy needed them .

Jin: Wake up tae_e ,its_s okay if you want_t to take time ,wake_e up when you want_t but dont take too_ much time ,let hyung ask for forgiveness ,let hyung make up to you , ( he finally let his tears slid down ) please_e__wake_e uo taehyungiee ,I miss you soo much_h ,Hyung is waiting_g to see_e you okay_y so badly_y ( he said closing his eyes as if he was talking to tae or praying to god )

Jhope wouldn't say that he was asleep ,because he was not ,hell ,he could sleep now .He just closed his eyes to rest them .He was still on that arm chair listening to taehyung's heartbeat .In all honesty ,if it wasn't that beeps sound ,jhope must have go insane and all depressed .It the beating sound that assures him that the younger was alive .

However ,it was not enough though .

Jhope : Taehyung Surviving is one thing and livong is anorher ,you you gotta have to live ,you need to_o wake up boy .Its not like you .Please wake up now its so much time .Get up and play with me like we used _d to before this all happen , It is so hurtful to see you like this .Is it how you getting back on me ? getting back on u_us ? I am sorry _y ,please wake up .I know I am beinv selfish now for you yo wake up so I coyld get this weight off my chest .But_t its hurts a lot .Tae you need to wake up_p for us .Hobi hyung would be here when you wake up __just wake up _please please _you will ,right?( he waited for an anwer but was met with the beating sound only )

He was controlling his tears but when he heard Jimin ceying again ,he couldn't hold anymore ,he overflowed .He looked at jimina nd yoongi and smiled looking how they were trying to comfort eachother .The scene made his heary warm .

He than looked at Jin ,who gave him an assuring smile ,maybe saying that everything will be okay soon .

And he believed it .

Everything will be okay.

Taehyung will be awake because taehyung is taehyung ,he wouldn't leave them , right?

The silence of the night ,accompained with taehyung's heart beat didn't fail to lull Namjoon to a sleepless sleep .It was like he was awake yet asleep .

but his sleepless sleep was invaded with jimin's snifgles ,than his cryings ,then yoongi's sniffles and later hobi joined too ,he jin was awake too by the movement the older make .

Namjoon wasn't annoyed that their cryings disturb his sleep .He cared about them more than his own well_being .And now actually it wasn't new too .

He heard their crying but let them cry because he read somewhere that crying relieve pain and stress .Hopefully, they wouldn't cry untill they dehydrate themselves .

Namjoon was exhausted ,everyone was exhausted too .But the most exhausted was Jungkook.He would always cries himself to sleep and than cry again to wake up of nightmares .The night where they appearently losed tae always run in his mind .The day has still stucked to his mind .They all know how much close they both were ,they were like two bodies one soul.It affected jungkook badly than others .

Namjoon couldn't even  began apologizing fron tae ,not in his thoughts too because Jungkook woke up crying from another nightmare.Howevee,this time it felt so real for jungkook that he broke down badly .

Others got  alarmed .

Jin was the one who got to action and moved toward jungkook hurriedly .

Jin:shh kook its okay ,breath ,breath ( he said rubbing the younger's back )

Namjoon and yoongi were behind him ,who saquatted infront of him ,trying to calm him down .But jungkook just shook his head as 'no' .He tried to calm himself but it wasn't helping ,it felt too real to him this time .
Jungkook: He _d_died ,Taehyung_g, Tae_e died ,he died_d hying_gg( and sufdenly he was bawling )

Jhope: No,no,no He is alive_e ,kook ,he is alive ( now jhope was next to him ) He isn't d_dead .

Yoongi:( cupped jungkook's face ) Can you_u hear the beeps ,it his heart beat ,his heart is beating ,he is alive ,he didn't left_t us ,he will never_r ,breath,kook,calm down_n .

Jungkook did as he was said and sure thing ,he can hear it ,his taehyungie's heart beat .

Namjoon moved aside from maknae's sight to let him see taehyung .

Namjoon: See ,he is here ,alive ,just calm yourself down ,it was a just a nightmare ,calm down .

Jungkook looked at the laying figure of taehyung and moved toward him with his shaking legs .

jungkook: Please_e,p_please_e get_t up t_taetae.( he begged and before long he was sobbing again ,holding taehyung's left hand tightly )

The hyungs just stand back and watch their maknae crumble ,jimin qho was next to taehyung's bed and jungkook,rubbed jungkook's back  as the maknae sank down to his knees ,kneeling beside taehyung while his  own tears didn't stoped .

Jungkook burroed his face on the bed ,figure shaking with sobs ,he  was clasping taehyung's hand to his own forehead ,begging .

Jungkook: Please_e wake_ up ,I am_m sorry_y ,I am_m s_sorry to say_y such_h thing_s ,please_e wake_e up ,I b_beg_g you_u .

jimin's knees felt weak and he squatted down ,burrying his face in his both hands ,crying loudly .He too wanted to comfort kook but he wasn't in good self too !

Namjoon: J_jungkooka_ ( he tried to calm down the younger but hearing the both maknae's crying broke him completely and he was sobbing himself too )

Yoongo has also start crying along with jhope wjo broke down first ,but he managed to atleast hug hobi .

Jin just hugged himself and closed his eyes and let the silent tears flow .

It was so suffocating ,way too suffocating .

for the next half an hour the room filled with the cries of members .

Silence  was not something like taehyung .He hated silence a lot .It was like his enemy .But here he himself was surrounded in silence .Why ? The boys just needed their tae back .They want jim back .They promised they would never take him granted again ,never ,ever .

Love me again ( taehyung centric ff ) [ Completed ] Where stories live. Discover now