Taehyung died !

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Namjoon: H_how all th_is happen ! ( and he was crying now ) It_t wasn't __mean_t to happ_en with_h tae_e , I said_d a l_lot of thing_gs _ I cou_ldnt e_ven___( and he was pulled into a hug by manager ,no matter how this boy have always showed being strong ,being a good leader ,but we can't forget that he is just a year older than tae and jimin ,he is also sensitive when it comes to his brothers his family  ,and now ,at this time the guilt has been eating him ,all he is thinking about the rude behavior he did with taehyung ,the words he said to the younger ,wasn't he too rough ? yes he was , he just went too far in his anger ,said a lot of words which he definitely didn't mean ! but his intentions were not wrong he just want tae to be safe and a little mature ,he remembered calling the boy an attention seeker ,now remembering about all those words he has said ,are making him angry on himself ,how selfish he got that time to say such things to his brother knowing how must thay have hurt the younger )

Manager : If you_u will behave_e this w_way and show this_s much vulnerabl_le then wh_o will gather them_m( said pointing at all other members who were sleeping uncomfortably on chairs having tears drained  cheeks and swollen eyes ) You_u all h_ave to sta_y strong_g for eachother_r ,it_s no time to blame anyone__( cutting him in midway knowing these words cannot heal any of them right now  namjoon asked )

Namjoon:Th_e boy_y ___Ho_w !( they know that Haneul Died ! and that thing was making them more afraid ! Was the impact that sever to kill someone !)

Manager:( sighed controlling his tears which were threatening to  fall any time ) He died ! The t_ruck didn't hit  th_e side o_f ca_r generally Joon!

Namjoon:( wide his eyes ) W_what exactly ha_ppened !? ( and here he can sense that this all  was not that clear as it was looking like )

Manager : The signal were green ,the car was passing by the signals when the truck hit them ,th_e t_ruck directly hit w_here th_ey wer_e sitted_d ,the_y hav_ve absorbed_d the direc_t inpact_t ,Haneul ,the bo_y with tae died ,Taehyung_g  might_t hav_e too if haneul hadn't cover his body ,And if the window_w shield which_h was directed at tae_e ,if Haneul hadn't tak_e it for tae_( how much the boy was selfless ,he got the worse and painful death but succeeded in protecting his idiol , Bts and army is going to be grateful for Haneul all their life )

Namjoon:Tae_e   ( crying covering his mouth so he won't wake any of his members ) I am_ s_sorry_y __Tae_tae I failed_d as_s a leader and as a brother_r too___

What did Taehyung felt like when the truck crushed him ? how bad the impact exactly was ? All of sudden Namjoon wondered what must Jimin have watched which make him to break down like that ,was it that bad ! The manager rubbed jimin's back up and down as he struggled  to keep  his tears to himself ,he was a grown man ,he better knows not to cry when the kids are already crying .The needed a pillar of support which he have to be at the moment .

After calming down a little Namjoon asked

Namjoon: W_hat happened_d to the t_ruck drive_r !?

Manager : The Bastard got arrested a moment ago ,he was apparently not even sobber_r ,he has caused a lot of accidents before too_ ( hearing this namjoon clenched his fist ,he can't ecplain how much angry he is at that time and how desperately he want to kill that bastard but ignoring or say that leaving the matter on police he asked

Namjoon: Taehyungie's f_family ! h_have you_u inform_ed yet_t !!

Manager : They_y will b_be here_e in four to six hour_s !( Namjoon nodded and at the time the door of ER pushed open and out ,revealing a doctor who was looking so exhausted )

Doctor: Are you Kim Taehyung's____

Namjoon:Yes !( he shot up and at the mention of taehyung's name everyone seemed to hear it and woked up from there slumber up on their feets in an instant  the doctor gave them a weak smile ,this wasn't a good sign ! ) How is he doctor_r ?( he asked anxious and scared)

Love me again ( taehyung centric ff ) [ Completed ] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang