19. Priscilla, the Retired Healer

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It was well into the afternoon when Hugo pulled the horses to a halt, just outside of a small rundown looking hut. 

Andrea gazed about, but there wasn't anything of any particular interest to see. The wooden fence was half collapsed and there were several hens scratching up the dry earth. The house was surrounded by large rolling hills and it was to these that Andrea turned her gaze. They were studded with what looked like dozens of mounds, all different shapes, and sizes. What they were though, Andrea didn't know.

As Hugo lifted Andrea off the seat and helped Harriet descend, there was a screeching of hinges that needed a good oil, and the owner of the hut appeared at the door. She was not at all how Andrea had imagined her to look. For Andrea had in fact, imagined her to look like a witch, with scraggly hair, bowed back, and crooked yellow teeth. The retired healer was in fact quite the opposite. She was tall and regal with long silver-white hair that cascaded over her shoulders. And when she smiled, she showed two rows of perfectly white teeth.

"Good morning, Harriet dear," she greeted in a voice like honey. "Who is this precious child you have with you?" She patted Andrea lightly on the head, causing Andrea to shy away and hide behind Hugo.

"That is Andrea. She is staying with me for the time being."

"Oh?" the tall woman regarded Andrea with curiosity and her silver eyes sparked with interest, reminding Andrea of two bright stars. "Come in then. I have some whimsyn tea on the brew." 

She stepped back, allowing them to pass. Harriet went through first, followed by Hugo. Andrea went last, stepping nervously after them. As she passed by the retired healer, the woman's lips curled slightly. 

"Welcome, Wolfheart."

Andrea hesitated, unsure she had heard right. But the woman smiled at her kindly as if nothing had occurred and gestured for her to hurry in, so she could close the door.

 Andrea stepped through and into a dimly lit room. Although the home had looked poor from the outside, it was warm and homey, although in a whimsical and almost eerie way. Rows of shelves filled with all shapes and sizes of jars lined the walls and a large tapestry hung in one corner. Although it was faded now with age, Andrea knew it must have been richly coloured once when it was new. 

It was of a palace court where noblemen in fancy long robes were trying to flirt with a bunch of giggling girls, hiding behind their fans. The pathways were lined with beautiful flowers and Andrea could tell from the faded colours that the palace roof had once been gold. She smiled and turned her gaze to the middle of the room. In the center of a small intricately carved table, sat a large pot of steaming tea. Four small stools had been placed around it and the table was set for four. Harriet and Hugo were already seating themselves, so Andrea hurried to do the same. As soon as they were all seated, their hostess began pouring them all tea. Andrea watched in fascination as the red-gold liquid flowed out in a perfect arch. She had never known that someone could do such a simple task in so graceful a manner. The hostess poured her own cup before sitting down and turning to face Harriet with a smile.

"I know well that this was no mere visit to say hello," she said in the same honeyed tone. "I suppose you came for some potion you do not have yourself."

Harriet stiffened noticeably before giving a small curt nod. "Moon-drop oil, to be precise."

The woman looked surprised. "The curse relief?" She looked sharply at Andrea, who immediately shrunk back into her chair. "Whoever for?"

Seeing that Andrea was too nervous, Harriet spoke up for her. "For a friend of hers." She paused and studied the other woman for a long moment, then with a deep sigh, she began again. "Listen Priscilla, I know you and I have been rivals these last few years, but you have to admit that there is one thing that we both agree and understand."

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