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Ashton held the bow string and stretch it so wide aiming the connected arrow for the bull’s eye. She made sure her aim was positioned correctly so she would not miss. When satisfied with her aim, she let go of the string and the arrow whizzed forward and thrust directly into the bull’s eye. Ashton smiled in victory.

“Wow, someone got better”

Ashton glance over her shoulder in surprise at the sound of the deep voice “Theodore!” she exclaimed in delight dropping her bow and rushing towards him, she hugged him “when did you get back?” she pulled back staring up at him.

“A few minutes ago” he answered smirking down at her “wait did you grow taller in my absence?” he held his hand above her head as if measuring her height.

Ashton chuckled slapping his hand away “you were gone for just two weeks Theo not a century”

“Well that is enough to put on an inch or two. Look, you are almost as tall as me”

Ashton shook her head with a smile “you are ridiculous.” 

Theodore was over a six foot tall. Ashton was taller than most people but she barely came up to Theodore’s shoulder and he never seize to make fun of her about it at every chance he gets.

“How was your trip?” she asked.

Theodore’s shoulder slump with an exaggerated sigh “it was boring. I had to act serious at all times or Father would give me the scary eyes.” He grimace as he thought back to it. Ashton laughed knowing how much he hates the scary eyes. Ever since they were little, he complains about it. Ashton was quite surprise that he has not outgrown it.

“That must have been difficult. I mean, Theodore, serious?” she tsked “those two words cannot go together”

“I know right? I did my best though, and I tried not to laugh when Lady Olivia stuck her leg under the carpet and fell face down, right in front of the King. It was embarrassing but so hilarious” he laughed loudly and Ashton could not help but join in.

“I doubt you did not laugh at that. You laugh at the smallest of things”

“Believe me I did not. I wanted to so bad, but not while father was giving me the scary eye, and I am so proud of myself for it”

Ashton smirk and playfully bump her shoulder with his “well knowing you, the scary eyes must not have stopped you from mingling with the ladies. Everyone knows you are a huge flirt”

Theodore grinned “yes you got that right, but the funny thing was that, all the ladies wanted to know about was my friend Ashton Raynold, the only son of Duke Arthur; apparently the most handsome man in the Kingdom”

Ashton’s brows furrowed in shock “they said that about me?”

Theodore nodded with an eye roll “I was quite surprised too. You are quite famous among the ladies Ashton”

Ashton knew that, but it still manages to surprise her. Having fifteen sisters means having a lot of female friends over. There are some who gush at her presence every time she was around and some who went as far as to throw themselves at her. According to her sister Ava, most of the ladies only come to the mansion to see Ashton with the excuse of visiting her sisters. Not to speak of the dozen amount of love letters she receives in just a day.

As if hearing her thoughts about letters, Theodore said “you know some of the ladies gave me letters to deliver to you. They are loaded in my travel box” Theodore gave Ashton an amused look waiting for a reaction from her.

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