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A week passed and nothing was said about the conversation in the carriage. Isla was still as mean as ever to Ashton and it did not seem like she suspected anything either.

Why then did she say all those things in the carriage?

Ashton was restless. Not only because Isla completely disregarded the conversation but also because of the words Isla said that night.

It was someone I hated.

Unpleasant thoughts filled Ashton's head. Did Isla hate her for not keeping her promise? If that was the case, Ashton wished she could explain, but she just could not risk Isla knowing her secret.

Maybe isla was not even referring to her and she was just troubling herself for no reason, but Ashton could not help but feel troubled, she had no idea why those words affected her so much. It hurts more than being rejected for a dance.

"Hey Ashton," Theodore barged into her room unannounced. She was used to it now so she had learnt never to be in a compromising situation just in case "I hardly see you these days. Let us take a walk around town"

"You are the one who has been so busy going around with the female servants. It is a miracle that you remembered I exist"

Theodore rolled his eyes taking a seat on one of the armchairs in her room "you cannot blame me; the female servants are funny and entertaining. This place is boring"

"then go spend some time with them. I am in no mood for a stroll" she lay back down on her bed to emphasize her point.

Theodore sighed in disappointment "they are all busy today." She paused for a moment before asking slowly "by the way, how are things with lady Isla?"

"Complicated" Ashton replied staring up at the ceiling.

"Well that is expected" Theodore sounded relieved "so have you decided to give up? There are many fishes in the sea you know"

Ashton sat up again, Theo's words barely reached her ears, something else was bothering her. "Theodore, if a girl had promised to meet you at some place and she never showed would you hate her?"

"Definitely," Theodore nodded "she broke her promise"

"But what if she has a good reason for not coming?"

Theodore thought for a moment before replying "well if I am satisfied with her explanation, I will forgive her" Ashton's shoulder slump in disappointment. She could never explain things to Isla, she could not let her secret out so carelessly. She had promised mother that she would be very careful and she could not risk it. "Anyway, did someone stand you up? Why are you asking me that?"

Ashton did not get a chance to reply as a servant interrupted them. Theodore had of course left her door open like always "Lord Ashton, forgive me for the interruptions but a lady is requesting to see you, Lady Fiona"

"Lady Fiona?" Ashton had almost forgotten about her "I will be down in a moment" the servant left and she sprang up from bed and rush towards the mirror to fix herself.

"Wait hold on, what am I missing?" Theodore was staring at Ashton suspiciously "who is Lady Fiona?" 

Ashton hastily fix her hair and then shrugged on her coat before relying "I will explain later" and she left the room.

Theodore had a what's going on look on his face even after Ashton shut the door behind her.


The morning was a pleasant one for Isla. Her parents had finally left for their long planned trip to God knows where and they had pleaded with Ashton to take care of Isla in their absence.

That had really annoyed Isla. Her father had always felt that Isla needed the guidance of a man when they were not around. He always does this whenever they want to go on a trip; he brings in a man using the stupid suitor excuse just so Isla would have someone to take care of her as if she was a kid.

Isla hated them for always treating her like that. They were never there for her so they should stop pretending that they cared because it is annoying, but Isla could not deny that her father had really outdone himself this time with Lord Ashton.

Isla had never met a person like him in her life. After everything she did to him she would have expected him to hate her but no, he never once got angry at her or even insult her like the other men before him did. He was always gentle and polite even when Isla was being a complete brat to him.

Ashton was like a puppet doing everything she asked him to, not caring if it was hard or impossible. It almost felt like he wanted to do everything to please her and get on her good side. He had won the bet by lasting a week but Isla did not care. In all honesty, she was impressed that he manages to last a week without snapping, but whatever he was wishing to happen between them by doing all this will never happen, not in a million years.

For some days now Isla had been thinking really hard about the similarities between Ashton and the little girl she met at the stream ten years ago. Coincidentally they have the same name; Isla had realized it that night after the party, in her room when she thought hard and hard about it.

It troubled her for a few days and she had been struggling hard to recall the face of the girl she met, but soon she brush off their same name as simply a coincidence. It would be absurd to think that Ashton who she met as a girl suddenly grew up to be a boy and moreover, Ashton did not seem to recognize her at all.

Even the words he said that night at the party must have been a coincidence. Ashton cannot be the Ashton she met, it was impossible in every way.

Well whoever he is, Isla wanted him gone from her house and life. Although she would admit that she loved how Ashton was always nice to her even when she was being harsh to him. Isla had already developed a sadistic pleasure in watching him suffer. She wondered how long he would last.

She would enjoy making him miserable for the time being until he gives up.

Isla left her room to see what Ashton was up to so she could torment him some more, but she was surprised to see Ashton and Fiona standing there in her living room, smiling at each other like sick fools.

Isla felt her blood boiling "what the bloody hell is this witch doing in my house"

They both stared at Isla startled by her voice "Lady Isla please calm down, Lady Fiona is my guest"

That was not supposed to make her madder but it did. "Your guest? You are also a guest here Lord Ashton so why would you bring an uninvited guest to my house without my permission?!"

"Please calm down Isla this is not__"

"You shut up Fiona! You know very well that you are not welcomed here yet you had the guts to show your face here" Isla screamed at the timid girl who tried to hide behind Ashton.

"Do not scream at her Lady Isla," Ashton was polite but firm "if you want us to leave you should just say so"

Isla's fist clench in anger, why does he always take her side? He does everything Isla wanted but when it comes to Fiona why does he use that tone on her. "Whatever you two want to do, do it outside my house!" Isla turned and stomp back up the stairs. She had never been so angry and she does not even know why she was this angry about seeing those two together.

So much for a pleasant morning.

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