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I am looking at her,
and she is looking back at me.
When I blink,
she blinks.
When I smile,
she smiles.
Grabing the stomach that I once deemed hideous.
Why did you hate her?
The beautiful tiger stripes on my body.
The cellulite creating the waves of the ocean,
and the dark circles under my eyes.
Why did you hate her?
The dark, dark curly hair that is now chopped off.
The body hair growing naturally like dandelions in an open field.
The perfectly lined lines on my arms and inner thighs, the lines of the great canyon both equally,
as beautiful.
Why did you hate her so much?
It is okay.
Take a deep breath child, you made it.
You finally found the strength
and courage to love her,
to love

It's not all black and white Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu