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Gasping for air,
pushing the walls of my mind and not being able to let go.
Let go of what is, what was and what will be.
Consumed by the wave of thought swallowing me in and not spitting me out,
just yet.
Lungs filling up with the salt silent screams.
The burning blades stabbing my heart and setting fire to my body.
Endless swimming and nothingness as far as the eyes can see.
Drowning in my own ocean filled with my own tears.
Not literally, but it feels like it.
Feeling overwhelmed with thoughts rushing and forgetting how to breathe.
Just breathe.
Don't let another tear slip,
for you will gasp for air that is not there yet.
Learn to become a frog breathing without problems
Better yet,
become seaweed growing under water without struggles.
Learn to be okay even when breathing seems impossible and fighting seems pointless.

It's not all black and white Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant