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Please just like me,
I'll do anything for you to just like me,
like give up my body.
Like for as long as I can remember male validation was all that mattered.
Girl likes boy,
girl changes herself for said boy,
boy, still doesn't want girl.
Girl grows up a little,
her precious body growed to.
Boys like her now,
but they don't like her,
they like her body,
they want her body.
Girl likes boy and boy said he liked her,
but uses girl for her body.
Boy didn't like girl for very long.
Girl is now a young women,
She has liked many boys but no boy has liked her for her.
Like for as long as I can remember I hated my body, tried to hide it,
but male validation is all that matters so show it off.
Not too much tho or else you're a slut.
Give them a little taste but not too quick or else you're easy.
Girl is tired.
Girl just wants to exist in her own body and love it.
women just want to own their own fucking bodies.

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