Break free.

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The second we are born expectations are put on us,
We grow up a little learning our parent's views and beliefs making them ours.
Then we get older,
start to from our own opinions and our own beliefs,
but they're still not fully our own.
Influenced by our parents, our surroundings, friends and society.
When we start to question everything that's when the problems kick in,
deemed by society as the delinquents,
the troubled kids,
Those who see the flaws in societies standards,
in their parent's beliefs and in the world around us.
We form our own beliefs and view the world through our own eyes,
and by doing that we shatter the expectations that were put on us,
becoming the disappointment of the family.
Society has lead us to believe that we should act, dress, think or even just be one way.
Social media glamorousing unhealthy habits telling young minds how to be,
and how to not be.
But what if we break free?
Break the chains social media has around our throats,
shatter each mirror of expectations on us,
cut the lines society has around our wrist and legs controlling us like puppets?
Will we finally know what means to be free,
what is means to be happy?

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