Nighttime dreamer

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The sweet promises of the night sky,
letting you know you are not alone.
Whispers of the stars about what they have seen,
and the moon praising them for still shining.
She looks down at me with a soft smile,
comforting me,
for I am one of so many looking up at her.
Looking for answers perhaps.
Longing to feel less lonely at nights.
They see it all,
don't they?
They see the lonely ones crying,
begging to be held.
the lovers holding hands and laughing,
full of love,
and the angry ones looking up and asking why,
eyes so full of pain.
I am neither one,
or maybe I am all.
I cry at night's asking why but I am full of love to give.
I want to be held and I wanna laugh,
but see my eyes are so full of pain.
So I dry my tears,
look up at them with admiration,
for they still shine even when they have seen all the madness of the world.
I guess you could call me,
a nighttime dreamer.

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