I Am Not Okay

22 0 0

I don't know if I'll ever be okay,
I mean sure on those days I am
but it's always there,
waiting for me to sit still and be quiet.
It's in the back of my brain draining my joy every single day.
It's the constant aching loneliness,
it's feeling invisible to those around me.
It's the three voices screaming at me, the two begging me and the one just being silent.
It's always there waiting for the next time I finally feel happy,
only to remind me that I'm not.
It's the alarm clock telling me that I am too much or not enough.
It's the overwhelming fear of me not making it till 21.
It's the overgrown pain in the empty hole that is my chest.
I don't know if I want to be okay,
I mean sure I want to be okay and happy but,
I have found comfort in it,
for it is the only thing that stayed.

It's not all black and white Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora