Chapter 2

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I woke up, 9:32am, on my alarm clock. My phone notifications woke me up. I had countless notifications from Instagram.

@behzingagram has tagged you in a post.

@behzingagram has tagged you in a post

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'Post coming soon! @y/nofficial'

user2311: Omg?! Who is that?!
KSI: New girlfriend?!
wroetoshaw: Nice bro!
user20932: Omg! It's been so long since he posted! Who's the girl!

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Ethan had posted a sneak peek on his Instagram. It was an old photo of us, I'm guessing he was going to use that as the front screen for his video. That's why I had so many new follow requests. My face would remain secret, until the video and until I decided it was best to take my account off of private. Perfect timing, as Ethan yelled into my room whilst banging on my door

"Y/n are you awake!" He yelled, banging on my door in a pattern. I stretched, and let out a soft sigh.

"I'm awake! Now that your fans have bombarded me with notifications" I said to him, sounding disappointed but really, I just liked being annoying.

"Yeah, sorry about that. To be fair though, I did think about it but you also need to get your arse up!" He screamed through the door.

"Yeah, ofcourse, you just don't love to think about your poor sister, do you? Also, you can come in. I'm just doing something." I said after sliding on some clothes. He opened the door midway through me grabbing my curlers.

"Seriously? Curlers? You don't need to look like your about to walk down the Red Carpet, Y/n." He said, eyeing me up.

"Fine, I won't curl my hair." I said to him with a disappointed tone in my voice.

"Hurry up! I've got everything set up, so we should be sorted." He told me curling his hand signalling me to come his way.

"I'm not ready yet! I'm doing my makeup." I said, shouting back in response.

"Fine, but don't be long!" He said, sighing and sitting down on the edge of my bed.

Then, he got a ping from his phone that cured the silence.

"So, what's all the rush for?" I asked him.

He didn't respond he just sat looking down at his phone.

"Ethan?" I said, turning around and waving my hand infront of his face.

"Sorry, It's just the boys" He said snapping back into reality.

"What's wrong, is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Oh, everything's fine yeah. It's just Harry and JJ wanting to know who you are in the Instagram post." He told me.

"Well? Tell them, if you really must." I said applying the last of my makeup to my face. I didn't put too much on, just a bit of foundation and bronzer here and there. Setting spray to hold it together too.

"I would, but they'd go mad. They really want to meet you. I mean it! Also, speaking of which, did you think about meeting them?" He asked me giving me a sly grin.

I thought for a long second, and my mental health slid across my mind. It's been getting better now that I've decided not to go back to University, I hated the place. It was terrible, and I hated being social with people I didn't know everyday. But this time it might be different.

"I think I'm ready." I said, biting my lip.

"Really?" He said, unsure of what to say to me as his eyes widened.

"They might jump on you. They'll be buzzing! When do you want to meet them?" He asked me

"Today, tomorrow whenever you can. I really don't mind." I replied to him, dropping my makeup brush on the desk, and I started to fluff my hair out.

"Yeah, that's fine! Today can do! I'm due to record with Josh anyway, I'll just cancel meeting up with Faith, she'll understand." He said, then realising what he'd said, and covered his mouth.

"Eth? Who's Faith!" I said walking up to him, removing his hand from his mouth.

"Fuck sake, I can't keep my mouth shut for two seconds, can I. She's my friend, but we've been getting along quite well. I'm not sure what we are to be fair, but we've been on 2 dates now.

"You've been on two dates? And I didn't know? How did you keep it from me for that long?" I asked him.

"I don't know, I think most of the time I went out with her was after shooting, so it didn't really make me look suspicious." He told me, shrugging his shoulders and dropping his phone onto the bed.


Me and Ethan finally finished filming, and Ethan rang Faith and explained to her. She was pretty understanding, and shockingly she didn't know he had a sister. Now she does! It seems crazy, but I found her Instagram through Ethan's, and she looks stunning!

"Y/n, are you ready?" He shouted up to me

"If you're not ready, I'll go wait in the car!" He added on.

"Yeah, I'm ready! Just getting my phone!"I replied back, and walked to the front door. He had gone to sit in the car. I walked to his car, and hopped in the passenger seat. He told me that the drive was only '15 minutes away' It wasn't really that far, but of course as per-usual we blasted our favourite songs.

Finally we arrived at Josh's house, and I realised what I was doing, as my anxiety raised, and I could feel my heart in my throat.

"Y/n, you coming?" Ethan shouted as he was about to just walk into Josh's apartment.

"Yeah, I'm just a little anxious that's all." I told him.

"Dont be anxious, Y/n. They're really nice guys. I promise you, you'll get along with them so well. They're super easy to get along with. Don't be nervous, if you ever want to leave at any point then don't be afraid to talk to me.

I felt a lot better now he had told me that. I started following behind him as he knocked on Josh's door and walked in. Everyone seemed to be here pretty much as I can think of. I had recognised their names mostly, just their was a few I wasn't quite sure of.

"We're here!" Ethan yelled. We walked into the living room and we saw everyone there. Some sat on the couch, and some sat at the counter.

"My man Behz!" I heard a familiar voice shout. "Tobi! Yo! How are you?" He said back. Tobi. That was his name! I just stood there, unsure of what to say.

ouu what introduction is she gonna make?

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