Chapter 25

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I smoothed out the hem of my skirt, as Ethan eyes my style up and down.

"You look like you're going out, and becoming a slut for the night. Am I right?" He chuckled.

"No, I am just going out for a good time with my friends. Besides, I don't even know if me and Harry are a thing anymore. We haven't spoke since our argument, and it's been two whole weeks. He's pissed me off, he wouldn't even let me know a basic answer to a basic question that I asked." I chuckled lightly, already ranting about Harry. I wasn't going out to fuck someone and forget him, I just hadn't had fun in a while.

"To be fair, I've heard two different sides of the story. But who are you meeting?" He asked me, coming closer to me.

"Ryan and Jack. I haven't spoke to them in a while, and since I have a bit of money from my new job, I might aswell have a good time with it." I shrugged, giving poses in my long mirror, with my handbag in my hand, I pulled my skirt up a little bit, just so you could see the edge of my butt, but it wasn't out.

"Fairs, and could you make that skirt any shorter?" He asked me, coming towards me even more and pulling it down. I pulled it back up a little. Ethan sighed.

"Anyways, what are you even doing stood here?" I asked him, now turning to face him instead of looking at his face in the mirror.

"Don't know to be fair, just thought I'd come up and see you, but your dressed like the biggest slut. And I'm joking ofcourse, you look gorgeous." He told me, letting out a chuckle. I smiled at the boy, and grabbed my phone of the bed.

"I should be heading anyway. I bet Ryan's waiting for me in the car." I told him.

"Yeah, go ahead." Ethan said.

I walked downstairs, and waved everybody a goodbye and told them not to wait up. I walked to the door, and slid my black heels on. and put a black jacket on, I wasn't sure whose it was, but it matched my black tight body dress.

I traced my way outside to the front of the path, as if on cue Ryan pulled up. I opened the passenger seat door, and smiled at the boys face.

"Hey, It's been a fucking long time!" I smiled, hugging the blonde boy.

"I know, your always to hooked up nowadays! But I've missed you so much, Y/n." He said, letting out a slight smile from the corner of his mouth. I could tell he genuinely cared.

Most of the drive to Jack's house I had Harry on my mind. He knows I've gone out, he just didn't say anything. He seems so heartless about me nowadays.

Suddenly, Jack jumped in the back of the car and I snapped out of my sad thoughts. Tonight was my night, for sure.

"Hey It's been too long, doesn't feel right seeing you. You're always recording your YouTube videos!" Jack threw his hands up in the air.

"I know, but this time I'm going to try more guys. I'm sorry. I got hooked up with my boyfriend and his friends my brother too." I said, lowly.

"Boyfriend?!" Jack spoke, his jaw dropped.

"Yeah, I didn't tell you guys?" I asked them. Ryan's eyes focused on the road as he spoke.

"No you didn't! You finally got one, how's it going?"

"Ups and downs are occurring I guess." I said, not wanting to talk about Harry anymore.

"You good, Y/n?" Ryan asked me.

"I'm fine, I just feel guilty for not putting any effort in with our little trio." I lied.

"You've been busy, we're all growing up to be fair, but you've not done us dirty." Jack said. To be fair, I'm surprised he couldn't tell the lie on my face. They usually can.

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