Chapter 21

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(Y/n/n= Your Nickname.)

A knock rinsed through my door, last night I pretty much drank my thoughts away, as I was so happy to finally be able to see my uncle. God it had been so long. I drank so much, I couldn't even remember how I got here.

I opened the door, loving the pajamas, and the messy hair look.

Ethan was stood there, and smiled deeply into me.

"Yeah? What's up?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Guy should be coming today, he's left a message and said he should be free today, and that he's gonna stay for a few days" Ethan said, smiling and chuckling happily.

"Good!" I jumped up in excitement.

"Go get dressed!" Ethan said.

I turned around, and realised that the bed space next to me was empty. Wasn't even warm. Harry didn't sleep with me last night? I threw on some of Harry's joggers that were lying in my drawer, messily. I threw them on, with a tight shirt too. I didn't like the baggy shirt stuff, it didn't make me look so good.

I walked to Harry's room, and left a knock through the door, and then opened it slightly. He groaned, and pulled his white duvet over his head as I opened the curtains.

"Okay, Bog. What happened to you?" I asked him, now sitting down on his bed, crossing my legs.

"My head" He said, no other words.

I curled into him now, and pressed my lips against his.

"Aww is little Boggo hungover?" I asked him, pouting.

"I don't like it when you call me Bog" Harry said, stuffing his face into his pillow now.

"Get up! We got a good day ahead of us!" I yelled loudly, in a sing-song voice.

"How are you not hungover?" He asked me.

"Don't know, kind of got used to the drinks I guess." I told him, now pulling some random clothes out of his draw, throwing them onto his bed.

He grumbled once again, and threw the covers over him. I dragged the duvet off his full body, to reveal he was just in his underwear.

"Get dressed!" I yelled at him.

"Fine! God, It's so early." He said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He picked up the shirt I got out for him, and more joggers.

I ran into his bathroom, and picked out a toothbrush I found in the drawer, it was brand new so I started brushing my teeth with it, soon he joined me.

"What are we even doing today?" He asked me, spreading toothpaste on his toothbrush.

"My uncle Guy should be coming round" I said, feeling dejavu, as I remembered the times he told me he'd come round, and never did. It broke me, but hopefully this time he's actually coming.

"Come downstairs after your ready." I said, tapping his arm. He nodded at me, and I left the bathroom.

Then I started thinking.

What if he saw the bandages on my arm?

What would I tell him?

Would he freak out?

I then ran back into Harry's room, and searched for a hoodie.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked me, placing his toothbrush down, now peeking his head round the door frame.

"Looking for a hoodie" I said, concentrated.

"Why? It's like 30 degrees outside?" He asked me, then realised.

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