Chapter 6

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up, at around 10am, I wasn't really a morning person but I had a good sleep even though I slept at 11pm. I was already up and dressed, I was wearing a low cut black shirt, and black leggings, and I would top it off with a grey jumper from the Sidemen, which was also Ethan's. Soon I was going to go to Harry's, as Ethan was already out. A bit strange he asked me to come and meet him, but I shook it off, and thought nothing of it. I dropped him a text through Instagram, and shockingly knowing how many DM requests he must have he replied pretty quickly.


Hey Harry! Was wondering if now was a good time to drop in!

Hey! Yeah! I'm awake now, shockingly which I usually am never awake. But ofcourse, come around now!

Alright! I'm just getting my stuff together, send me your address!

After that text, he sent me his address, and Ethan had already left, but I'm guessing someone picked him up, because his car was still here so was his keys. I picked them up and went to his car, and drove to Harry's.


Hey! I'm here, outside!

Ya! On my way!


As soon as I sent that text, Harry swung open the door.

"Welcome! It's a bit messy but, you know we're lads" He said. "It's fine! I honestly don't care, I know what boys are like." I said, jokingly. He followed through to the living room, which wasn't messy at all, it was quite clean actually, I guess he was just stressing.

"So, what you wanna do?" I said, sitting down next to him on the couch. "Well, I thought why don't we watch a movie? Or something like that?" He asked looking at me, putting his arm on the back of the couch.

"Sure, what movie?" I ask. "Any movie, you can pick." He said. As we browsed through movies, we looked at ones that looked good. We finally both decided on one as Harry liked the look of it. We watched halfway through it and I eventually fell asleep. A deep sleep.


Later on, I wake up really comfy, wanting to drift off again. It looked dark outside, and it was quiet. I looked up, as I was layed down onto something. Shit. I was layed between Harry's legs, with my head on his chest. What the fuck! What time was it! I lifted up, softly trying not to wake Harry up. Why Harry! Okay, I admit I thought I had something for him, but I literally just met him! I grabbed my phone from the floor, and reached for it. It was 6pm! What the heck! How did I sleep for that long? Harry rustled around, and groaned. I don't want to wake him up. I saw I had multiple notifications from my phone. Some from Instagram, some from SMS, and finally some from Twitter.

I answered multiple texts from Ethan.


Hey! Where are you? You wasn't in when I came in, not worried

Y/n? Where are you? All of the boys are saying they don't know where you are either?

Maybe you just went out, and your phones dead.

Y/n, come on now. It's been 15 minutes! Why aren't you responding!

It's been an hour Y/n, where are you?

17 missed called from Ethan🤍

9 missed calls from Ryan

12 missed calls from Jack

Shit! I need to respond!


Ethan. I'm so sorry I didn't respond to any of your calls or texts!

What the fuck! Where have you been Y/n! I went looking for you everywhere!

Ethan, I'm not even going to lie. I just don't want you to think anything more to it. Please, I'm telling you the truth.

What happened, Y/n? Tell me?

Alright. Harry invited me over, and I came over, and we put on a movie. Don't kill him, it wasn't his fault. But we both fell asleep, and I woke up on him. That's all that happened. I fell asleep, and that's why I didn't answer.

Y/n! What the fuck! I told you not to get involved with him!

I told you It's nothing! If your going to be like this, I'll just crash at Harry's tonight. I'm not getting involved with him! And even if I was, It's got nothing to do with you anyway, I'm growing up, this is my future, not yours. I understand you want to be there for me, but I just told you the full truth!

I saw Harry post a photo on his instagram. It was of you. I just jumped to conclusion. I'm sorry, but I just want what's best for you again, and if you get with him I'll never forgive you! You know that, right!

Yes, Ethan, I know that, but I didn't see what Harry posted, don't jump to conclusion, all of the time, there's no point, I'm not gonna listen to you. And don't tell Harry I told you this! Don't go messaging him about it either!

I won't. Just come home please, I love you Y/n.

Yeah, I will. I love you too.

I decided it would be best to wake Harry up to tell him I'm going. I didn't want to leave him empty armed. I also wanted to check Instagram too, to see what he posted about me.

"Harry, Harry!" I yelled tapping him on the chest still laying on him.

"Huh, yeah, I'm awake!" He said pushing himself up.

"What- What happened? Are you okay?" He said, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. What the hell? Weird, again, I just shook it off.

"Ethan rang me, we slept for hours!" I said. "Shit, what time is it?" He asked, searching for his phone."6. It's 6pm Harry." I said bringing his face back up to look at me. "Y/n, I'm sorry if I messed things up for you." He said apologetic. "It's fine, but I need to get home." I told him. "Alright ofcourse, I'll see you whenever I next see Ethan, alright?" He said giving me a slight nod. "Yeah ofcourse, bye now Harry!" I said, as he pulled me back. "Bye." He said, pulling me into a tight grasp. "I enjoyed spending time with you" He said humming into the crane of my neck, as I hugged back.

Why was I getting butterflies? What? I didn't like him, surely not. I mean I had literally just led myself into this trap, I knew there was something more then friends, I just chose to deny it. I didn't want to think about it. I decided I was going to drive home, and once I was back, I'd tell Harry. He told me to tell him when I got back, so I would. It would be a long night, arguing with Ethan tonight. In a sense I felt bad, but I can't help my feelings, yeah It's his best friend, and I'm his sister, but clearly we was meant to meet.

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