Chapter 9

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Ethan brought most of his friends back, including Vik, Simon, JJ, Harry, Josh and Tobi.

"Hey! Didn't know you was gonna be here, thought you was going to go out with Ryan and Jack. Haven't been seeing them much recently have you?" Ethan came up to me, questioning me, but he sat next to me a little bit tipsy. All of the lads hurdled into the kitchen, and over the counter. Then Freya strolled over to Josh.

"Just wanted girl company this time, They are more understanding then boys are." I replied, letting out a laugh along with a smile.

"You know that you can talk to me, right?" He said, seeming abit upset at the fact I wouldn't speak to him, and that I lied blatantly to him.

"No Ethan, ofcourse I trust you, It's just It's better with girl company, everything I told her I also told you. But It's better for girl advice too." I told him, knew I was lying, but I couldn't tell him about Harry, he'd freak out. Ethan just nodded his head lightly at me.

Harry looked quite sober, and when I say sober. I mean he wasn't interacting with the boys much really. I walked over to the kitchen, to pour some water.

"No, not water. Are you kidding me? Most of us are all drunk, and your getting water?" A familiar voice said from behind. Simon.

"I don't really drink." I told him, I also felt like getting a double shot down my throat. I was only 17, but who cared? Not me. I didn't want to give in though.

"Come on! One drink! If that!" Simon yelled.

"Yeah Y/n, just one drink!" Vik shouted.

"Everyone chant one drink!" Simon yelled, with a shot in his hand.

Everyone began yelling one drink, apart from Harry. Ofcourse, he still had the face on.

"Harry! Come and get a drink with us!" Simon yelled. Ofcourse knowing Harry, he just looked up at us. I decided to kill the silence by finally giving in.

"Fine! Just one." I said. "Simon, pour me the first drink." I asked him. "Give her malibu!" JJ yelled. "Malibu is to weak! She needs vodka!" Simon yelled.

I just laughed. Harry came closer, to the counter.

"Hey" Harry murmured, placing his phone down."Hi" I said, not sure what he wanted. He just smiled back, and then what cured the silence was the Ethan playing some music. Bouncy music.

Everyone pretty much began becoming themselves. I had drink after drinks, and chilled with Freya most of the night because Harry still seemed to have a problem.

I got up to pour another drink, as I felt hands touch my shoulder. Harry.

"Hey." He said again, as he said earlier.

"Hi." I responded with.

"I'm sorry" He told me, turning my head to face me.

"Harry, sorry? I've felt so bad for saying what I said." I told him looking at him as I removed his hands from my shoulders. Ethan was too drunk to realise Harry.

"Plus Harry, you're drunk. It's different." I told him putting my hands on his arms.

"Me? I'm not drunk. I drink, but I didn't feel like it tonight. Shock, I know." He said.

"If you say so, if we're going to talk, talk tomorrow. I don't want Ethan to suspect anything" I said.

"I want to talk to you now, though." He said, whilst he pulled me around to face him.

I ignored the request and carried on sipping my drink.

As I got more and more drunk, I felt tiredness overcome me more and more.

"Guys.. I'm going to sleep, I'm so tired" I say, standing up falling around everywhere, Harry catching me as I fall in different directions as he walks me to my room. I get there, and just strip in front of him. I didn't think much of it, as I was drunk.

"Harry." I said, before he left the room.

"Yeah?" He replied, peering his head back round the door now facing me.

"Change me, into my pajamas" I said. Slurred.

"I can't do that, Y/n, It's not only wrong, but weird too. You're also drunk" He said.

"Harryyyyy, do it." I said, dragging his name along, but also forcing him to practically get me undressed.

"My draws, they are in there" I said, as I pointed and laughed.

"Y/n, I can't just throw my hands about in your draws. It's wrong, you know that." He said, coming closer.

"Dress me, Harry. Please." I practically begged. He began taking his grey joggers off, and throwing them to me.

I started pouting, insisting he dressed me.

Finally, he started pulling his grey joggers up my legs. Then, he threw me his shirt too. I just jumped into that, as he ran into Ethan's room and stole his clothes. He came back into my room.

"Goodnight, Y/n." He said, thinking I was asleep.

"Come back here, Harry" I said, eyes still closed.

He came forwards to me.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked.

"I request that you stay with me tonight, I can guarantee I will sleep better." I said to him.

"Y/n, I can't get in bed with you, Ethan will kill me!" He said, shouting, but also whispering.

"That's the only thing stopping you?" I asked, as I pulled his arm and made him sit down on the bed.

"Fine, I will. But I'm not staying." He said.

"Just until you fall asleep, that's it." He said once more.

"No, you'll stay with me all night. I miss having someone by my side." I said, pulling him into a tight grasp.

He layed by my side, and hugged me tight.

I felt Harry loosen his grip, and felt his body loosen. Telling me he was asleep.

With Harry knocked out, I felt myself drift into a good sleep. My head was gonna be in a bad way the next day.

I fell asleep finally, and god knows what was coming for me the next morning.

She fell first but he fell harderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora