Chapter 27

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It's been 3.5 months since Y/n and Harry sorted things out and finally stuck together. JJ finally adopted Holly, the orphan, who struggles with anxiety, depression etc. Ethan finally proposed to Faith, and baby Olive has finally arrived. Harry and Y/n have started spending more time together, as the Sidemen shoots are now only very frequently. Harry and Y/n are talking about moving into a flat together as the house is crowded, and everyone seems to be going separate ways.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up, and unlatched myself from Harry's grasp. I felt a lump in my throat, as I hovered over the top of the toilet seat.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Harry said, now walking over to me and holding my hair back. As if on cue, I threw up, and wiped my mouth with the pad of my thumb, and suddenly felt more coming. I carried on spewing, as Harry looked away. Not my fault he had a weak stomach. I stood up from the toilet, and grabbed my toothbrush out of the pot. My room had practically turned into mine and Harry's room now.

"Fuck, that was horrible." I said, my eyebrows furrowing as I looked for the toothpaste I couldn't find. I opened the draw beneath the sink, and saw a new box of toothpaste and opened it.

"Y/n, that's three days in a row. Are you sure your fine? Maybe you need to go and see a doctor." Harry said, standing right beside me as I brushed my teeth.

"I'm fine, seriously. Maybe I've just got a bug." I told him.

"A bug?" He said, looking at me in the mirror as if I was crazy. I shrugged my shoulders and shoved the toothbrush in my mouth.

"Do you want me to get you some paracetamol?" He asked me, looking down at his phone. I just nodded, and placed my toothbrush back. I knew myself that I was concerned for me, but I just brushed it off. My immune system was shit anyway. I was bored, and decided to ring Talia. She didn't live with us, as she thought she'd leave me with all of the boys. I dialled her number in, and she picked up almost instantly.

"Hey!" She said, smiling through the camera at me.

"Hey, I was bored. I guess I need girl company" I said, letting out a chuckle.

"Fair enough, me too. How you feeling?" She asked me, innocently.

"Shit to be fair, three days in a row I've thrown up." I said, shaking my head as I looked at the girls facial expression as it changed.

"Shit, why? Do you have a bug or something?" She asked me.

"No, well I don't know to be fair. I just brushed it off, I feel like pure shit but It's been happening repeatedly every morning. Harry's getting worried, and I don't know if I should be as worried as he is." I questioned myself.

"Do you think you could be pregnant?" She blurted the words out, my eyes widened at this.

"Me? Pregnant. Your joking. We use condoms!" I told her, letting out a chuckle.

"They don't always work, Y/n. I think you should take a test." She told me, she wasn't joking neither. She was serious.

"Surely I'm not though, I mean I couldn't be?" I said, now questioning why I ever had sex.

"Do you want me to nip to the shop for you? Would that make it easier?" She asked me.

"Yeah. Can I come to your flat? I think it would be best if I took it elsewhere." I said.

"Course you can, I'll leave the key under the doormat for you. I'll be twenty-minutes, if that." She told me. I got up, and reached for my UGG boots, next to my draws. I slid them on, as Harry walked in.

"Couldn't find any fucking paracetamol, so I had to walk all the way to the shop for it." He told me, looking at me now. "What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Feeling much much better, I got to go, bye." I said, barging past him as he just watched me. I walked to the front door, and ignored the name calls I was getting and barged out. I walked down the street, as Talia only lived a ten minute walk away.

I arrived at Talia's, and grabbed the key from under the mat that greeted me with 'WELCOME' on it. I unlocked Talia's door, as I felt a tear slip down my face. I sat down on her sofa and placed my head into my hands and let out sobs.

"Oh, Y/n. Come here, sweetie." Talia said, rushing over to me and cuddling me into her chest.

"I can't be pregnant, it will ruin Harry. His career, what about me? I'm jobless. This is all my fucking fault." I told her, sobbing some more.

"Y/n, no. Don't you dare! This is both yours and Harry's fault, and if he doesn't like that he will have to get used to it. But unfortunately, that's life. Now look at me, when your ready." She finally finished and signalled down to the test in her hand. I let out a soft breath, and nodded along. I picked the test from Talia's hand, and unboxed it.


"What the fuck am I supposed to do?" I asked, throwing my hands about with the test innocently in my hand.

"Just piss on the white little stick, god!" Talia screamed, chuckling.

"My bladders empty, and when I'm nervous like this I can't fucking piss!" I yelled back through the bathroom door.

"Well stop being nervous!" She said.

I rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see me, and finally tried to take the test.


"Now leave it for ten minutes" Talia said, now biting her nails. I picked my phone from my pocket to see a text from Harry.

"Is it Harry?" She asked me, looking up at me. I nodded.

"What did he say?" She asked me once more.

"He just asked if I'm okay, and if I'm safe. I didn't exactly tell him what I was doing, or where I was going." I said, swallowing a large piece of guilt down my throat. Talia made an 'O' shape with her mouth, and continued waiting.

"Take it out." The girl said.

"What?" I said, oblivious to her existence as I was worrying far too much.

"The test, take it out." She said, nodding towards the pot with the piss stick in.

I reached my hand over the top of the cup, and pulled it out slowly and began taking deep breaths. I closed my eyes as I held it where I could read it. I opened my eyes, and looked at the stick.

"Well?" Talia asked me.

"One line means negative?" I asked her.

"Yes." She said, as she began biting her nails.

"It's positive." I said, digging my head into my hands on Talia's living room floor. Her hand fell up my back, rubbing it up and down.

"Your going to be okay, I promise." She told me. This time I was fucked, what was I going to tell Harry. How the fuck would he react? I asked myself so many questions, I was practically parentless. I would have zero support, Ethan definitely wouldn't support me, that's for sure.


I stood outside The Sidemen house, after Talia finally convinced me to come back. A tear fell down from my eye, but I quickly wiped it away. I walked in the front door, and walked straight past the living room door, and up to my bedroom.

"Y/n?" Ethan shouted.

I opened my bedroom door and dug my head in my duvets. I was fucked. Dearly, and utterly fucked.

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