Chapter 26

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up, and nausea swept through my brain and I groaned. I went to spread out on my bed, as I didn't remember a single thing from last night, apart from the beginning. Suddenly, my arm hit something, my head turned immediately to see a messy haired boy laid next to me. I took in his features, as I could only see the back of his head. It definitely wasn't Jack, because he was black-haired. Was it Ryan? Shit! I was naked too! And so was he! As if on cue, the boy turned his head to face me, still sock on. Suddenly, a lump occurred in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom, and threw up.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice that I had seemed to have missed. Harry. My eyes widened in shock.

I walked back into my en-suite bedroom, and saw Harry sat up, looking at me.

"You okay?" He asked me.

I just stared at the boys features, confused. Plus, I was still naked, so it was probably really weird.

"Hello? Earth to Y/n?" He waved his hand in front of him, whilst his other hand was holding up the blanket over his chest.

"I don't remember anything" I said, sheepishly. I grabbed a baggy shirt, decided to go without a bra today, and pulled out a pair of thongs from my draw. I threw them on, and also put a pair of shorts I'd found.

"Well if it makes you feel better, we didn't do anything of the type that you're thinking about." He said, nodding his head along.

"So what actually happened?" I asked him, rubbing my head that was still aching from last night. I jumped in my bed, and drooped into the duvets. My knotty hair was not attractive, but right now I didn't give two fucks.

"Well, I can't speak for you point of view, but you rang me, at 3 o'clock in the morning and you wouldn't tell me what nightclub you was at, because 'I was not your saviour' and because 'I cheated on you' finally, you went back to the bar and the lady behind the bar told me a name of the nightclub and I came and picked you up. You asked me to stay the night with you, because you missed it basically. I couldn't say no, so I did. I promise you we didn't do anything, I definitely wouldn't take advantage of you like that especially when you was that drunk." He told me, looking at my face.

"Shit. All I remember was Ryan and Jack leaving to go get a drink, I don't remember anything after that. I was fucked really." I said, clutching my head.

"How about I go down and get you some paracetamol? You're gonna be feeling shit today." He asked me.

I nodded in approval, but still remembering we hadn't sorted our problem out. I missed Harry, I did. And from last night, I could tell how much he cared. It was nice, but we had some issues to sort out together.

I grabbed my TV remote, and switched it on. I sliced to Netflix, and waited as the big red sign passed. I pressed on my profile, and decided to go for a different programme this time. Shameless, UK.

Ten whole minutes passed, and Harry walked in with a coffee and two paracetamol. I blew him a kiss, and he laughed.

"Shameless, huh?" He asked me, sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, I'm just chilling today. As you can tell, I really don't feel great." I said, sticking my thumb up.

"Your pale too, how much did you drink, fucking hell!" Harry chuckled.

"I can't remember, but you do know we have to talk right? We can't just go on as if nothing happened." I told him, he nodded.

"Y/n, it was a petty argument over jealousy, that girl was nothing but nice. I can assure you that." He said, trying to reassure me.

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