Chapter 24

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"You ready to go?" Harry asked me. Today was the day I was going to film on the Sidemen set. God I was nervous, I never thought this day would come where I'd be behind the camera with millions of people watching me. It scared me, like really.

"Yeah, I think. I can't believe I've signed up for this" I said, grabbing the keys to the door. Ethan was stood behind me.

"So, Y/n, you ready? I mean it has been months since we asked you. I bet your excited" Ethan asked me, now wrapping an arm around me.

"I'm a bit nervous, but have you told Uncle Guy that we are going?" I asked Ethan. The rest of the guys was on their way to set already. And Uncle Guy had been staying for a while now, just until he got a house.

"Shit, no I haven't. Give me a second." Ethan said.

I sighed, and fiddled with my hoodie strings getting pretty nervous.

"Hey, look at me." Harry said, in a pretty reassuring voice. I turned to the handsome looking boy, and he grabbed my waist, and pulled me in, signalling for me to stand on my tip-toes. So I did, I leaned in to kiss him, and he deepened the kiss. Harry pulled me right in, so there was no space between our bodies, and it was now getting heated.

"Alright the two of you, there will never be a day where I finally get used to my best friend and my sister touching eachother the way you do. Stop groping her, Harold and let's leave you two." Ethan said, pretty firmly.

We left, and the car journey there was pretty short, it went quite quick but slowly too. We arrived on set, and they were filming a cooking video, in teams. They were the Sidemen for a reason, I didn't want to interrupt their thing. I decided I might tell Harry that I'm gonna sit this one out.

"Harry?" I spoke to the boy who was concentrated on what Kon was saying.

"Yes?" He questioned my facial expressions.

"I might sit this one out." I said. biting my fingernails.

"You will have the time of your life Y/n, we all do. We all come home with a smile on our faces from it. I know you're nervous, but once you've got it over and done with you'll want to do another one. I'm not saying you have to do it, if you really don't want to then that's fine. But atleast try for me?" Harry said, grabbing my arms to reassure me. I nodded my head. I could do this, I wasn't going to let them down, we drove all the way here and I'm not going back until I try this.

"Thankyou, then we can spend some time together later." He whispered in the shell of my ear.

"Are you guys ready to start filming?" Kon asked us.

"Yeah man!" Ethan yelled.

"So we've got Si on the intro today?" Kon's wife asked us.

We nodded our heads.

"Okay. Camera's on now!" Kon shouted.

"Hello! And welcome to the Sidemen Cooking Show! In today's video we will be split into two teams of four! Four? Basically, today we have a special guest! Let me introduce you to Y/n Behzinga, Ethan Behzinga's sister!"

"Hey everyone! It's a pleasure to be here. I'm really nervous, but I'm ready to have fun!" I said, confidently. It was quite easy, knowing I was just around people that I knew really. If I said something wrong, they'd probably get Kon to
cut it out.

"So let's get started with the teams sha'll we?" Ethan said. "Alright, so on the Red team, we have Vik, and then we'll have Tobi, Josh and then Simon!" He yelled loudly. The names called out, and everyone moved to their assigned colours.

"Finally, on the Blue team, the best team, we will have Y/n, our special guest! JJ, Harry and finally me!" Ethan said once more. We all moved over to our countertops, and a lady walked in.

"Hey guys! I'm your helper, I'm Scarlett. I'm really only here to inspect, and vote. That means I get to taste your wonderful dishes!" The women spoke in a thick Romanian accent.

"First off, I would like you to cook me Pancetta and Cheese!" She spoke again.

With that, we all got our aprons on, and I tied my hair in a low pony.

I grabbed a few potatoes and started peeling them. Everyone was panicking and not knowing what to do. To be fair, I only knew about the potatoes part.

"What the fuck! You know what you're doing?" JJ asked me.

I laughed at him, and gave him a slight smile.

"Ofcourse she does, this girl is amazing! Have you not tried her cooking?" Harry said sarcastically. I hit his arm lightly.

"Do your job, you dick!" I yelled at him.

"Do we need help, Harry? Oh, I'm such a fangirl by the way." Scarlett said to him. She came closer and closer to him, and practically was up his arse. Harry scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Your one gorgeous boy, Harry. I must do say. May I offer you some help?" She asked him. I passed Harry a potato and he gave me a frown.

"Peel the potato, you wombat!" I told him.

"Now now, we have one peeling the potatoes, we are on a limit of time. We should get Harry to do something else, right?" Scarlett asked.

"Fam, I've got no fucking clue what I'm doing." JJ yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Bro, are you stupid? Get the pancetta!" Ethan yelled.

"Harry, come over here." Scarlett said, and Harry followed.

I watched them lightly, in the corner of my eye and saw her whisper in Harry's ear.


We finished filming, and I was super tired. We was now in the car on the way home. I had my hand leaned on the window, and my head on my hand. I looked out the window, and suddenly I felt a hand reach my lap. Harry.

I turned to the action, and looked at him and blushed. God, what does this boy do to me? He looked at me, and leaned in to kiss my lips. I deepened the kiss, until a voice interrupted.

"You two! We are still here!" Ethan yelled. I opened my eyes, and Harry had his lips still connected to mine, and his middle finger up at Ethan who was in the front seat. Ethan smacked his hand down and Harry unlatched from my lips and laughed at Ethan.

"Can you see me laughing?" Ethan asked, in a sarcastic tone. Harry started pissing himself even more.

We arrived home and I placed my things down on the kitchen counter.

"How was your day, sweetie?" Uncle Guy asked me. I shrugged my shoulders, as I felt a different feeling just as he asked me that question.

"Good I guess, it was fun we did loads." I said. I walked out of the living room and walked to my bedroom, and closed the door behind me. I pulled some fluffy pajamas out of my draws, and threw them on. I turned my TV on, in an attempt to get over an overwhelming stressful day. I know it was fun, but I was very nervous too. I laid in my comfy sheets, and decided to put a series on. Friends ofcourse.

Someone knocked at my door not long later, and a familiar boy walked in.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked me.

I took an offence to this, as he said it in a weird tone way, and I thought he was trying to get at me.

"What? What are you talking about? There is nothing wrong with me." I said, glancing back at the TV.

"Clearly, you've been moody all day. Ever since we was shooting." He yelled at me.

"Don't fucking yell at me, if you hadn't been all over Scarlett we'd be fine." I said to him.

"Oh, so this is what this is about. An act of pure jealousy. Grow up, Y/n seriously." He yelled again.

"Stop fucking yelling at me! I've had enough!" I yelled back, hypocritically.

"You know what, I'm leaving. I'm going to stop in my room tonight." He said to me.

"What did she whisper to you?" I said, just as he was about to walk out, letting my thoughts speak for me. Before I knew it, he looked back for a quick second and then walked out.

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