Chapter 12

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"Harry, I can't." I stuttered upon my words. He looked at me, and shifted my head towards me. "Please Y/n, I can't deal with you hurting yourself." He told me, a slight sob tone.

"I don't want to live" The words slipped out of my mouth. He looked at me, he grabbed my hands. "Why?" He said, sighing.

I started sobbing, and he wrapped his arms tight around me.

"Please Harry, I don't want to talk about it. Please just lay with me. I need someone right now." I said. Wanting comfort, but not to explain myself.

As I said so, he nodded. I got into my bed, and covered myself under the covers. Harry did too.

He held so tight onto me.

"Y/n, stay for me. Stay for Ethan. We love you all so much. Please." Harry said, he seemed so hurt.

But I felt like he cared so much, and felt like he was the only person who wouldn't leave.

"I won't Harry." I told him, turning over to face him. He placed his nose onto mine. Our breaths lingered over eachothers.

Slowly, we both started leaning in.

Our lips touched, Harry deepened the kiss, and stopped after a while.

"What is this, Y/n?" He asked.

I looked at him, confused.

"What do we have?" He asked me once again.

"I don't know Harry, but It's killing me, once we go to fucking constantly, and then you go to ignoring me infront of everyone" I told him, losing his grip.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just can't talk to you infront of everyone, when I do, I stutter. They will know." Harry told me, bringing me back.

"Do it, act how you want to with me. Ethan will get used to it, then I can tell him." I said. "Yeah, so he can kill me! Are you crazy!" Harry said. "I already told you, he won't lay a finger on you. He's not that scary." I told him.

Harry yawned, and wrapped his arm around my waist, and brought us even closer.

"Will you do that? Harry?" I asked. "Fine, but if he kills me, I swear to god! I will never talk to you again." He told me.

"You'd be dead, and that's your loss. Not mine!" I said, laughing.

Soon enough, Harry had fell asleep. I pressed a short kiss on his forehead, and drifted off into a heavy sleep.

I wasn't really sure how Ethan was going to act, I mean it was genuinely a big step, but I decided I should drop him a message. He said he wanted to be the first to know, and we aren't together. I still want a proper asking.


Hey Ethan, I know It's late at night but I figured I should let you know. Me and Harry are NOT together, however we have something going off. We aren't sure what it is, and I'd like to figure out myself thankyou, but for now, no protecting me, unless I say so. Love lots, Y/n.

I was practically shaking as I pressed send. But, almost instantly he read the text.

Y/n, Im just glad you told me. But however, I can't promise on the protecting part, and I knew from the start. I noticed Harry going into your room all of time, yet I didn't bring it up because I knew. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable by talking about it, if you weren't ready. As you've told me, I believe you that you aren't together. I love you Y/n, and as I always say, and always will say. I will always support your decisions, I am not switching up straight away though! I still don't like the idea of his hands on you, but it is what it is. I do not like the idea of it, but I will support you two. I hope
all goes well, just don't be so PDA, I'd hate to see Harry Lewis' hands roaming all over my sister. Ew, had to say that sentence.

Thanks Ethan, I love you so much and thankyou for respecting my boundaries. I thank lord for having you in my life. I'm rather tired, so I'm gonna head to sleep now, Harry is in my room.

Goodnight Y/n. X

Well, thank god that was over. I thought he was going to go crazy, and I know for sure right now he had a different reaction. If I told him face to face, he'd probably freak out. It's over with now. He told us to not be so PDA, but our plan is to be PDA, to get him used to it. I don't want him going crazy when we like, hug or something.

Soon enough, I drifted off into a sleep.


I woke up, no one in my arms as I ended up last night with Harry in my arms. Did I dream? Did I really tell Ethan, that me and Harry had something? I didn't dream, because the mark on my thigh was still there.

I got out of bed, I put some baggy trousers on, as I couldn't wear anything tight as it would hurt too. I just slipped a jumper on that I found in my wardrobe.

I paced downstairs and heard laughters from the living room. Harry and Ethan. So, Ethan really did accept me and Harry then. I hope so, anyway. I turned around the corner and saw the two happy boys to see me.

"Hey, good morning" Harry said, smiling at me. "Morning messy head, your up early." Ethan said, trying to shake some sort of emotion off, that I couldn't quite figure out what.

I sat down next to Ethan, as he patted the seat next to him.

"I need to talk to you." Ethan said. I got so worried, as I wondered if Harry had told him about what happened last night.

I peeped over at Harry, and saw him shake his head, as he seemed like he had no idea.

"It's urgent, like really urgent. But It's up to you, not me" Ethan told me, not looking up at me.

"And just remember, It's you option, not mine. I need Harry out of the room, whilst I tell you though, I'm not sure you'd like him to hear." Ethan said, now lisping a word to me, that I couldn't make out.

"Harry, do you mind?" I asked him, politely ofcourse. "Ofcourse I don't, shout me back in when your ready."

Harry left, and Ethan sighed.


Cliffhanger. I'm sorry babes, I had to do it. X

She fell first but he fell harderحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن