Chapter 30

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The alarm coming from my phone rinsed through to my ears, telling me it was time to wake up. Y/n was still asleep, but stirring as the alarm went off. I turned over and switched it off.

"Y/n" I mumbled, wrapping my arms around her waist and closing my eyes. She slightly mumbled, telling me she was awake.


"We need to get up." I told her, lifting my head up, as she turned around to face me now.

"Why?" She asked me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"We're going to New York." I told her, grinning waiting for her reaction.

"Today?!" She said, sitting up now smacking her mouth with her hand.

"Yes, now come on. We have to pack" I told her, removing my arms from her waist as I planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" She said, kissing my lips, and squeezing my face with her fingers.

"You've told me many times, now come on and get up." I said, sitting up.

She sat up too, and reached for her draws and pulled out a matching set for today. It was white leggings, and a nice white T-Shirt. I slid some shorts on, even though it would be freezing, I'd probably change later. Y/n threw a shirt at me, as I picked it from off my face. I slid it over my head and patted it out neatly.

"I'm going to go and speak to Ethan, give me a second." I told her, and she looked at me and approved with a nod. I've never seen her get up so quick.

I turned the door knob, and walked to Ethan's room. I knocked, and he approved with the words 'Come in' so I walked in, and he was sat in his gaming chair. He pulled his headphones off his shoulders, and told me to wave to his Twitch chat. I did so, and began speaking.

"I'm taking your sister to New York" I whispered, hoping that Ethan's Twitch chat wouldn't say anything. We hadn't probably announced our relationship, and I wanted to do it at the right time. To be fair, I hadn't even asked her to be my girlfriend yet, and I don't even know if we are together. Like we are, but I haven't given her a proper asking, and I should probably do so. Ethan's eyes widened and he was speechless.

"Just no babies, yeah?" He asked me. I nodded my head at him.

"Not on purpose anyway" I said, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Seriously Harold" He said, walking over to me now. He bear hugged me, and patted me on the back.

"Can I come?" He asked me. I laughed, and so did he.

"No, you fucking can't. She's mine for two whole weeks." I told him, hoping he'd not take it in a weird way, but I was definitely intending it to be like that.

"No funny business! Seeing you just kiss her makes me almost throw up, nevermind me thinking what you do in a bedroom." Ethan said, acting out a fake gagging pose.

"I'm serious, Behz. We're going to New York, and I want this time to be for me and Y/n. We both need it enough as it is, and I love her. I just want it to be us for two weeks" I whispered lightly to him.

"Harry, I get you. But when I found out that Y/n was pregnant, I was fucking confused. I didn't even know how I felt, but it just weirded me out. It always will, but I know she's in safe hands. Just treat her right, yeah? You know that if you hurt her in any shape or form, I will chop your dick off?" He whispered back.

"Yeah, I think I understand." I said, rubbing the back of my neck, awkwardly.

"Good, now go and take the girl to New York, and have a fucking amazing time. As I said, no babies." He told me, pointing his finger in my face. I nodded to him, and walked back into Y/n.

Y/n's POV:

I couldn't believe it, I was going to New York. I'd always wanted to go there, especially for Christmas. Thoughts of being in New York scrambled through my head as I threw underwear into a suitcase. Soon enough, Harry walked in too.

"Hey, you already packing?" He asked me.

"Yeah, what time are we going?" I asked him, peering up at the boys gorgeous face.

"Later, almost in the afternoon. Probably about twelve?" He said, unsure himself. "I should probably go get a suitcase myself shouldn't I." He added on, and I nodded leaving a chuckle as I threw some nice warming outfits and revealing outfits too.

Harry walked out of my room, and I had a smile attached to my face. God I was so happy.

Ethan's POV:

When Harry told me he was taking my sister to New York, I was quite shocked. I do want her to be happy, but she's not left my side properly for two weeks in years now. I knew she'd obviously be safe with Harry, but it would be too different. I just didn't want her to leave, as cruel as it sounds. I obviously didn't want to stop her from going, but at the same time I did. It was quite last minute too.

I stepped out of frame off my Twitch Stream and ended my live. I stepped out of my bedroom, and walked down to the kitchen. Vik, and JJ was sat there laughing at something. I looked over, and just turned back to the coffee machine.

"Lad? You okay?" JJ asked me. I looked at him, and rubbed my forehead.

"Yeah, JJ. I'm good" I lied.

"Behz you look stressed." Vik added on.

"It's just that, Harry is taking Y/n to New York, I don't know if I should be happy or not." I told them, truthfully.

JJ's eyes widened, as he looked from his phone to me.

"Harry's taking Y/n to New York?" JJ questioned as Vik stared too. I nodded, pouring hot liquid into my cup.

"Mate, I think you let her have this time. She deserves to be happy, you know. She's been kinda stuck here with us boys and it's probably annoyed her. Go and let her have some freedom with Harry. I get you don't want her having too much fun like that with him, but unfortunately that's what they are going to do. How long are they going for anyways?" JJ said, placing his phone down beside him.

"Two whole weeks." I told him, pouring the coffee to my lips.

"Well I say you let her have this time. Drop her a few messages whilst she's there, she'll probably want to show you what it's like." He told me, I nodded along. He was right, but only if he knew how I felt about this.


Y/n's POV:

Finally, after Josh had dropped me and Harry off at the airport, and going through the suitcase scan and everything else, we was finally boarding the plane. God this felt crazy. I had completely pushed the 'baby' to the deep end of my mind. It was the least thing to worry about right now, I'm going to have fun. Harry held his hand in mine, as we walked over to our seat. It was going to be a long flight that's for sure. Harry began walking me over to a section where it was quiet, and there was laid back seats right in front of my eyes holding iPads in front of them. My eyes stared in awe, as I looked at Harry.

"You didn't!" I said, covering my mouth in shock.

"I did." He said, smiling, as he wrapped his arm around my waist, and lead us over to a seat next to each other. I sat down, and pulled my chair upright. I fiddled with a few things around me as a flight attendant came up to me.

"Anything you would like to eat?" Her eyes darted to me and Harry. I looked at her, and she dropped a menu in front of me and I took it in my hands. Harry sat down next to me, as there was a little window between us. I looked through the menu, and picked a pasta dish.

"Oh yeah, I can't remember if I've said, but Ryan is over in New York with his fiancé. We should go see them, she's a lovely girl." I said, smiling as I pressed buttons for the iPad.

"We definitely should, Ryan seems like a nice bloke." He told me, smiling at me. I laid back, as did Harry. The window was wide open between us as our hands latched together. This would be amazing.

She fell first but he fell harderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt