Chapter 16

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After days of living in the Sidemen house, It's been quite calming. I've got to admit, my anxiety's been a lot better, especially with JJ, Ethan, and Harry making sure I'm okay.

It's a Sunday morning, and I know the lads leave to film for Sidemen Sunday today.

I'm dreading being in the house on my own, It's so huge, and even being in here for a few days I still get lost.

I hate being alone, and quite frankly I just want my 'boyfriends' touch right now. I just want a calming hug from Harry Lewis.

I'm at my vanity desk, getting ready as I hear all of the lads clattering about. It's so early, It's like 9am. Too early for me, I've started getting up earlier due to the noise. I won't complain though, I am living in a house full of boys. But I love girl company too.

Although sometimes, Freya, Talia, Seanna, Faith, and Ellie sometimes pop round, It's still not enough.

I've gotten closer with the girls too, we speak to each other a lot, and have zero filter around each other.

It's kind of nice knowing I have people by my side.

I begin curling my hair, as Harry opens my door.

He's stopped knocking recently, and I don't really mind it. He has his own room now, but we basically share my room together.

He says 'my room feels more like home than his room' Which is really cute.

"Hey you, what you doing?" Harry asks, sitting down on the edge of my bed with a smile whilst he watches me curl my hair.

"Nothing really, just curling my hair." I reply, turning around to take a peep at him, then back to my mirror so I can carry on curling my hair.

"You look gorgeous today, as you do every other day." Harry tells me.

"Ugh, I hate curling my hair! You know what, screw it. I'm going to just leave it to flow. I'm gonna get a shower and leave it be." I say, turning my curlers off and putting them in my bottom drawer.

"Come here, I want to spend some time with you. I'm not going to see you for a full day" He says, bringing me over to him.

"Harrrrry, I have to showerrrrr" I say, dragging my words along.

"Don't leave meeeee" He also replies, dragging his words along.

I plop on the bed next to him, and face him.

He curls his hand around my waist, and kisses me.

Harry pushes me down onto the bed, and scrambles ontop of me.

I kiss back, and soon the kiss gets deeper.

"Harry bro! Come on we're going-" JJ says just walking in.

Harry scrambles off me, and just looks at JJ in embarrassment.

JJ just walks out, and doesn't say anything.

"Shit! We've been caught!" Harry says, scratching the back of his neck.

I just let out a laugh, It's quite funny honestly.

"It's not funny!" Harry says, walking back and forth.

"We wasn't naked, or anything. He just saw us making out. It's not a big deal." I said, sitting up to face him.

"What if he tells Ethan?" Harry says, looking at me.

"So what?" I say, now twiddling with my thumbs.

Whenever Harry brought up something about Ethan knowing about us, it pissed me off. Honestly, it just seems like he doesn't want anyone to know.

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