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I have never been more hungry in my life than when I saw a fucking masterpiece in front of me.

A flawless mood had been set, and there were candles all around the table, different shades of white and yellow. It was lighting up our faces as we looked at each other and decided what to order. I hope he didn't notice that I couldn't stop staring at his lips.

The perfect cheese pull from the margarita pizza was practically making my mouth drool as I looked up at how Sharky was watching me before I calmed down a bit. "You know, I'm going to be completely honest with you. I love food, and I get hangry as fuck. I'm just warning you."

"Eat, darling.", He put a slice on my plate, and I probably flushed red as he did so. I brought the utterly enchanting blend of tomato sauce, cheese, and dough up to my mouth before taking a bite.

He caressed my arm as it stretched over the table, and I closed my eyes as I leaned back in my seat, smiling while chewing.

Sharky got himself some spaghetti bolognese; he mentioned that it had to be his favorite Italian dish because of the tender minced beef that sort of dissolves in your mouth.

"Are we going to do the typical date questions?", I asked, hoping that I didn't have crumbs all over my mouth because of the lip gloss I was wearing.

"Only if you want to.", He twirled his fork around in the pasta, looking up at me while he spoke.

"We barely know each other, and I can't help but feel like we actually have something here. You know? You are so caring and kind; I love that about you,", I said as he looked touched by my words. His gentle eyes could actually make me lose my bloody mind.

"I really like you, Sejal. I want to see where this goes. You are beautiful, smart, generous, and sweet. You have every quality a man could ever want in a girl,", he said, making me release a sigh of contentment at how romantic he was being at the moment.

"You really know how to make me feel special, eh?", I grinned at him. The chemistry between us was unreal and unmatched, but I didn't want to trust too much.

After my last relationship, I wasn't sure what to believe. Sharky was an amazing person, and I wanted to give in, but I got nervous when he said all the right things. I knew he was a good man, but I didn't know how long the bliss would last.

"Sejal? Are you alright?", he asked while looking at me with concerned eyes. I simply nodded before deciding that this was not a topic for our first date.

"I am serious about you,", I admitted, and he looked like the happiest man on Earth after my confession. Sonam Didi was not joking when she told me that you can feel some sort of magnetic pull on a person.

She felt it with Krish Jiju when she first met him because of how he helped her take off her heels at a party. She called me the day after they spoke and told me that she had found someone. It might be a problem that we have in our family, considering how quickly we fall.

Sid quite literally told May he loved her after dating for three weeks; it was lightning speed. Record fast.

Every time I've had a boyfriend, it's been the wrong person at the wrong time. Or just a bastard in general, but I am crossing my fingers and knocking on fucking wood that I am making the best bet. I have a gut-wrenching feeling that Sharky is good for me.

"I am serious about you too.", We finish our dinner, and Sharky offers me his hand as he helps me off of my seat.

The city is pretty well-lit at night. We make our way through the parking lot as we joke about the couple we saw snogging against one of the fountains in the middle of a bunch of bushes. I start spinning around as Sharky claps a rhythm for me.

He pulls me closer to himself as he dances along with me, laughing as he bends down to put his arms around my neck as I put mine around his as well.

"You are so cute,", I whisper to him, and he hums before hiding the shyness on his face.

"Thanks.", I think I even saw some blush around his cheeks as I went to open the door of the car, and he shook his head at me, pushing my hand away. "You can do that in general, but not on date night. You deserved to be treated right."

"Yeah, yeah.", I roll my eyes at him playfully, and he just takes my hand in his and helps me balance because of my heels.


Beatriz was finally home; I could see her in the driveway. She was walking toward the door until she saw Sharky's car pulling up, and she turned to see me, grinning her arse off.

Sharky turned to me, laughing a bit as I pretended that I had melted into the passenger's seat because of how he was fucking looking at me.

These motherfuckers are purposefully trying to embarrass me.

"What do you want, Mr. Mohamud?", I ask, crossing my legs over one another as I lean over the console, and he puts his face right in front of mine, centimeters apart.

I'm really hoping that Beatriz is not looking at the moment because of how much she is going to remember this exact moment—maybe even more than I will.

He kisses me on the forehead, and I'm more than satisfied with that because I've only kissed men when I am in a relationship with them. It's what I'm comfortable with.

"Thank you for tonight, darling,", he says, and I chuckle a bit when he pulls out a phone and takes a picture of me from the weirdest angle I've ever seen.

"Thank you for fulfilling my Sky Garden dreams,", I say as he simply says, 'of course', and I get out of the car, waving to him as he promises to text me when he gets back home safely.

I sigh with satisfaction like I've been roaming the Sahara Desert for six months and have only just found a safe water source. And then my peace is interrupted by the one and only Beatriz.

"Did you guys fucking kiss just then?", I shake my head, and she groans in frustration. I just yank her by the hand while explaining everything, and she nods her head.

"I'm just saying that I love weddings. A Somali and an Indian one. Two separate or a mix?", she asks jokingly, and I push her through the doorway.

"None of your business.", I roll my eyes before running up the stairs, saving myself from any more of her idiotic questions.


A.N. — Please vote. I am trying my best to make the chapter releases more consistent, I don't know how much I'll be able to with other stuff going on. I think most definitely Fridays and the weekends, but I will attempt everyday chapters.

If you vote, I'll have more motivation. Add this story to your libraries and favorite reading lists.

Thank you for reading along so far!


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