
450 15 5


body image, insecurities



I'm lucky that my job does not require me to be at the workplace all the time and that I can go to Greenwich whenever I feel like it.

Or whenever my mom feels like telling me her problems but thinks that the phone is too inconvenient and she wants me to eat a new recipe that she came up with.

I was just working on a home project for a new client on software, and Mom was handing me a cup of chai while chatting my ear off about how cute Jiya is. I agree silently, just nodding my head while typing an email to my coworker, who is working in Mr. Throndsen's living room with me.

I hold my rubber band in my teeth as I tie my hair up into a tight ponytail, turning to see Sid walk through the door with his school bag in his hands and his hands fondling his tie.

"I hate this uniform,", he says before I get up with excitement, and he widens his eyes before grabbing me into a tight hug. "Did Ma make some trashy shit again? That's why you're here, innit?"

"Yeah, that too, but I've got to tell you something important.", I want to tell him what the YouTube video was actually for and that I am now talking to Sharmarke Mohamud, the finest man alive.

"What's wrong?", He immediately looks worried at the sound of me being hesitant with my words. It's usual for me to be a loudmouth and say what's on my mind without a second thought, but I'm genuinely a bit anxious.

"I've just been on a date with—you'll never guess who—and it was amazing.", I was so happy when I got home. I told Beatriz everything, and we just sat in the longest embrace I've ever been in.

"Tell me, tell me,", he practically begs, his arm around my shoulders as we walk to the kitchen to get him a soda from the fridge.

"Sharky. You know, from the Beta Squad.", I have a mischievous grin on my face when he shuts the fridge door loudly before turning to me with his jaw completely dropped as he slams his bottle of soda on the kitchen counter.

"Are you fucking joking with me?", His eyes were about to bug out of his head, and I started laughing before he pretended to faint. "I don't blame you; that man is sexy."

"We're not dating, but we are talking right now,", I tell him, and he nods his head, handing me some of his drink so I can take a sip from it.

"You might end up the wife of a YouTuber,", he teases me and hands me the box of aloo ke parathe that I've been craving all day. Ma cooks a huge batch all at once and then freezes them, so she can just cook them on the stove for a bit and she'll have dinner prepared.

"Don't even. We're nowhere close to that yet.", I wouldn't mind us getting to that state in our lives because I can see a potentially strong relationship between the two of us.

"You said yet. You like the idea.", He pushes me to the side as I threaten him with the tongs that I'm using to flip over the paratha. "Is that the video you went to film with the Beta Squad?"

"Yeah, I don't recommend you watch it, though,", I tell him with complete honesty. It would be awkward for me to see my older sister or younger brother flirting with someone as well.

"I know that, but anyway, he better be treating you right. Congratulations,", he tells me before messing with my hair. He hugs me and says he has some homework that he has to complete before football practice.

𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬, sharky m.Where stories live. Discover now