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Sharky was at home, cooking the broccoli that he did not want to eat and I had forced him to get dressed properly, though he would not take off his hat. I don't think he ever will, something about how an East African hairline can fuck you up.

Bea was excited to see Sid, she remembers when he first came to our house and he was so small, now he's a giant and I had to warn her that she might be a little surprised.

I stop right in front of the park and see Sid sitting next to his girlfriend, I wave at her and she gives me a bright smile. Sid turns himself around and covers the two of them with his hand before kissing her, trying to act subtle.

Bea chokes on the water she's just sipped, smacking her chest as she laughs at the expression on my face. He walks toward the car, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Stop with your nonsense and fucking sit down," I whip my head around to look at him. He widens his eyes, nodding his head before buckling himself up as well.

My best friend reintroduces herself to him and they hit it off suddenly, both of them ragging on me as I continue back toward the house, "Would you to stop acting like if I stopped talking to you, you wouldn't cry?"

"Oh, please, you are obsessed with me," Sid gives me a smirk and I stick up my middle finger at him, watching his expression through the rearview mirror.

"Don't act like you don't call me in the middle of the night, talking about 'where should I take May on our next date?' and all of that bullshit," he rolls his eyes when Bea backs me up and says that she's even had to pause 50 First Dates because I've told her that Sid was calling to bug me.

"Well, you know more than me. Who do you want me to ask? Mum?" I laugh at his idiocy and cackle even louder when I see Sharky waiting outside in an apron, giving me a cheeky grin.

I park the car and Sid's eyes widen when he sees a bunch of his favorite YouTubers in the house. I push him toward them and they all start cheering when they see my younger brother. He offers his hand to all of them before they all start taking pictures.

I roll my eyes at all of them in the backyard, playing football and laughing when Sid makes a goal by punting it. Chunkz tries to stop the ball, but instead, falls flat on his face.

There is quite literally nobody in the house and I am currently trying to plate the chicken wings that Sharky made. He walks up behind me and puts his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek multiple times, "I love you."

I smile, plating the stuff before walking toward the door and yelling out for all of them to here, "The match is about to start and the food is ready! Get in!"

They all cheer, thanking me as they take their seats around the living room and dining table, which has clear view of the wide screen TV. All of the food is in serving trays and they take their plates, filling them up with whatever they want.

Sharky takes off his jacket to show off his Arsenal jersey and I grin up at him before he leans down to kiss me softly, pulling me toward him by the back of my neck.

"Leave me alone," he rolls his eyes at me, sitting down next to me and forcing me to eat some of the food he made. I tell him it tastes like shit and he puts his hands on his hips, waiting for a proper answer from me, "It's so good, Gordon Ramsay would be proud of you, darling."

"Are you trying to get rid of me or something?" he questions and I tell him to fuck off, trying to act funny and he sticks his finger in my face. I pretend to bite it as he gasps, running from me, "Your brother has more manners than you."

I pretend to be offended and then ask him seriously if he's getting along with Sid. He tells me that he thinks we were all raised right, "You want to meet my mum, eh?"

He nods his head, but then I suddenly remember that I was meeting his tomorrow. I instantly get nervous and he shakes his head, giving me a tight hug, "Shut up, she's going to love you. You are the first girl I'm bringing home."

"Thanks for adding more pressure, arsehole. Does she know how long we've been dating for?" he gives me a bright smile.

"Obviously, she doesn't know the exact date and everything, but I think she knows I'm in love with someone," I pout a bit and Chunkz enters the kitchen before putting his hand on Sharky's shoulder.

"Sharky weds Sejal, hm?" he asks, opening the fridge and getting out some strawberry lemonade. I roll my eyes as they start patting each other on the back.

"Well, he hasn't exactly gotten down on his knee yet, so—" Sharky lets out a loud laugh at the expression on my face and I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest. Chunkz stands behind me with the same amount of seriousness as me.

"Are you going to do it anytime soon?" Chunkz says, supporting me, though the two of us are obviously joking and Shark knows that.

"If it's going to happen, it's going to be her and she knows it. And be quiet, Chunkz, you haven't moved to Bea either. I don't want to hear anything from you," I pretend to ignore him as I eat some of the broccoli I made, forcing Sharky to eat some as well.

It's been almost eight months for the two of us and I think it's time for my mother to actually meet him, but I'm not sure she's ready after the history I've had with men. She might suspect that Sharky will hurt me like my past relationship, so I sort of have to ease her into it.

I wiggle my ring finger at him and he takes my hand in his before kissing it, "Be patient, my love, I swear," I smile, leaning my head on his shoulder as we watch the guys go mental when Arsenal scores again.

Sid runs over to us, him and Sharky already have a connection. They start yelling together and I'm so used to it that I don't even have to cover my ears from the sound.

I hug a bunch of the guests goodbye and they yell out about Arsenal winning as they get in their cars. May comes by with her car, ready to pick up Sid, "Thank you for today, Didi. I love you and don't tell Sharky, but if you guys get married, I'm your number one supporter."

He bends down to hug me and I kiss him on the cheek, telling him to do his homework as he gets into his girlfriend's car. Sharky rushes over to the driver's side, shaking May's hand. The lot of them laugh about something and I raise my eyebrows as he strolls back toward me, "I didn't know you had a thing for my brother."

"You're disgusting," he pushes me and I laugh as we go up the stairs, I throw the football at his head and he's lucky he was able to dodge it, "Dangerous too."

"Yeah, but you can't live without me," he pulls me onto the bed and the two of us continue watching Pretty Little Liars, holding each other's hands under the covers, but all I can think about is impressing his mother.

I'm really excited to meet her.


𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬, sharky m.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora