C4: Olga Mi

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In a cosmetics and skin care shop located inside the Merak Building, three girls named Debbie, Kasie, and Kristina were frolicking inside the mall as they held each other's hands. Meanwhile the two boys, Jared and Dixon, followed behind them with a dozen of shopping bags in their hands. They were absolutely drained out.        

Seeing how the three girls were still so full of energy, one of the guys, Jared in particular, started to complain, "How in the world are you all not tired? You all didn't seem so energetic in long-distance running before! Dixon and I are tired. Can't we just sit down and rest?"    

One of the girls turned to Jared and approached him; it was none other than Kristina. "Oh, come on Jared! How could you say that? You're tall, even!" Kristina said as she took some bags from Jared to lessen the load he had carried.    

"Look! Look!" Debbie pointed at the shop just in front of them. "That's our final stop!"    

"Thank the Lord above! I'm saved!" Jared exclaimed.    

Taking out her brand new purse, Kasie then flashed a smile. "I'll treat you guys to lunch."    

Perking up at a thought that Jared then only remembered, he responded jubilantly, "Great! I'll make sure to indulge myself!"    

One of the buildings in the Shining International Plaza, the Alioth Building, consisted of several posh and luxurious restaurants and on the fifth floor, there resided one of the most highly regarded restaurant in Y City. Clearly, Jared knew where he wanted to go.    

"You can eat whatever you want except..." Kasie then cast a scornful glance towards Jared and added, "...the Fifth floor, you hear?"    

On the fifth floor of the Alioth Building, all rooms were VIP booths which required minimum charge. Whatever dish you desired, there would be a professional cook. You could watch as the cook prepared the dish right in front of your eyes. If you were lucky enough, you might just even be served by a Michelin three-star cook.    

With such a premise for a restaurant, people could only dream of feasting at the delectable dishes served on the Fifth floor. Although, due to the cost, only a selected few could afford to dine in such luxury.    

The moment Kasie finished uttering her statement, Jared turned white, as if his soul had left his body, and repeated what Kasie said in monotony, "You can eat whatever you want except for the fifth floor…"    

Everyone was amused by Jared's reaction. Patting his shoulder, Debbie then pointed over to a couch nearby and offered, "Why don't you and Dixon sit down over there and rest? Lipstick picking takes a while."    

The three girls then began to select their preferred cosmetics. One saleslady saw Debbie holding a lipstick set, so she approached her with a friendly smile and said, "Miss, that product is one of the bestsellers! There's only one left, so if you really like it, then I suggest you grab this last one!"    

"No way!" Debbie said in disbelief. "Only one left?!"    

Turning the tag over to see the price, Debbie then saw how much the lipstick set she held in her hand cost. It cost $129, 999. Upon learning about its price, she started to have second thoughts.    

Sitting on the couch and taking a rest, Jared looked around and saw Debbie looking at the lipstick set she held in her hand. He then spoke aloud. "Hey, Tomboy! Why're you hesitating?! You ride a car worth millions to school every day! Buying that lipstick set wouldn't hurt you! If you want it, just buy it!"    

Hearing what Jared said clearly, Debbie sighed before responding, "The car isn't mine." No matter how expensive the car was, it had nothing to do with Debbie at all. All of the riches she had now were all thanks to her husband. There was nothing she could possibly flaunt.    

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