C146: Love Letter

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Novel  Take My Breath Away  Chapter 146: Love Letter

When Carlos left the meeting room, he took along with him the postcard that had magically changed his mood. As soon as he stepped out of the room, noisy sighs of relief filled the space; some executives almost cried out gratefully, especially the planning department.        

"Phew! Thank God! We survived!" one of them exclaimed. "Not just that! Each of us gets twice our pay this month! Isn't this great?" someone responded excitedly.    

Back in his office, sitting leisurely in his chair, Carlos couldn't help but re-read the words on the back of the postcard. Before he knew it, a smile had appeared on his face.    

When he had finally savored the words long enough, he opened a folder on his desk and carefully put the postcard in the middle of it. It was made of poor quality paper, but it was his treasure nevertheless.    

'Looks like this woman has started to take the initiative, ' he thought.    

In Southon Village    

It was getting dark. Debbie was jogging when she heard some noise ahead of her, which sounded like two people were having sex.    

It was awkward, so she stopped her run and stayed away from them.    

The reception was usually awful in the village. Unfortunately, she got signals at the spot she was at that moment and her phone started buzzing in her pocket. It was on vibration, so it didn't disturb the couple.    

She hid behind a big tree to take care of the call. Panting for breath, she took out her phone and saw the familiar number.    

Tears threatened to roll out of her eyes. 'This grumpy, hateful man! He has finally decided to call me!' she thought, gratified and angry. After wiping her moist eyes, she swiped her finger on the screen to answer the call, but she did not speak first. Their stupid fight was still fresh in her mind. "What are you doing?"    

Carlos asked when she refused to say anything. His tone was flat. There was neither rage nor affection.    

Debbie was mad because she was disappointed. This wasn't the attitude she had been expecting from him. She wanted to throw a tantrum, but she couldn't find a good excuse. "Having fun," she said, after a long pause.    

Despite her sullen tone and short answer, Carlos smiled when he heard her voice. "I got it," he said.    

"Huh?" She was perplexed. 'Got what?'    

"The love letter you wrote me."    

'What? What love letter? I never wrote him any love letter. This fact-twisting capitalist!' Blushing, she corrected him, "It wasn't a letter. It was a postcard." She wouldn't write him a love letter and embarrass herself.    

The village head's son had given her some postcards with the landscape of the village on them. She filled the little space with her scribble and had asked the young man to help her send them. Since the village was so remote, she was surprised that Carlos had even received the postcard.    

But for Carlos, that postcard was a love letter from her, whether she admitted it or not.    

Unwilling to be fixated on such a trifling matter, he moved on. "How are you doing these days?" he asked, his voice full of concern.    

Debbie turned her head to listen to the two lovebirds who seemed to have gotten more passionate. 'It's freezing cold outside. Why do they have to do it here? These people are so freaking weird.'    

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