C165: Be My Girlfriend

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Novel  Take My Breath Away  Chapter 165: Be My Girlfriend

It was Hayden's mom, Blanche.        

Along with her were Hayden's father, Portia, a middle-aged couple, and a young man.    

It looked like some kind of engagement meeting.    

Since Blanche called her, Debbie knew she couldn't just run away. "Hi, nice to see you," she said, greeting Hayden's parents politely. She really wanted out of here. Seeing Hayden's family made her think of how he kept hitting on her. It was like he didn't want to believe she was really married, believed that he was entitled to her simply because he wanted her. Whenever he texted, her heart sank like a stone. Sometimes, while talking to him, she threw up in her mouth a bit.    

"Why are you here?" asked Portia curtly, looking her up and down. She sounded surprised.    

She didn't say it, but her tone told Debbie what she really thought was "Wow, woman, how can you even possibly afford this place?"    

"Who is this?" asked the young man. Wearing a blue down jacket, he looked at Debbie the same way Portia had—only difference was he seemed interested. The glint in his eyes disgusted Debbie.    

But somehow, the man looked familiar. She just couldn't quite place his face. She racked her brains trying to figure out where she'd seen him, but she couldn't figure it out. 'School? No. Maybe at one of Carlos' meetings? No. Who is this guy?'    

"She's nobody. Lewis, Let's go," said Griffin Gu, Hayden's father.    

Considering the history between Debbie and the Gu family, he knew nothing good would come out of this chance meeting. He wanted no trouble for anyone and hoped they could leave as soon as possible. However, Blanche wasn't done yet. "Are you here to see Hayden? No can do, sister. He's not here. He's on a date with my daughter-in-law-to-be." Her voice was full of contempt.    

'Hayden has a fiancée? But why is he still texting me every day? What a jerk!' Debbie thought to herself. "It's not what you think. I didn't come here for your son. I'm just having dinner with some people," Debbie explained with a smile.    

Hearing that Debbie wasn't there for Hayden, Blanche felt embarrassed. Clearly, she had fallen into a pit she dug for herself. To save face, she turned to the aloof woman standing next to her, and said with a fawning smile, "Mrs. Huo, this is my son's ex-girlfriend. My son dumped her years ago, but she still pesters him. Sorry about that. I'm so embarrassed."    

'Mrs. Huo?' Debbie looked at the aloof woman again. She had the same cold presence as Carlos.    

But there were some other people who had the surname "Huo" in the city. Debbie thought maybe she wasn't related to Carlos at all.    

However, although she was a total stranger to the woman, she could see disdain in Mrs. Huo's eyes. Debbie turned to Blanche and retorted, "Mrs. Gu, you're wrong. Your son is pestering me. I think I may need your help to get through to him. Since we're here right now, I'll just say this: please tell your son to back off. I'm married."    

Blanche's face turned hideous with embarrassed rage. "What are you talking about? My son? Pestering you? Don't be ridiculous! You hooked up with someone's secretary and do some skin care, and then you think you're rich and powerful? Get over yourself! You said you're married, but I don't see a ring. Maybe your husband can't even afford one!"    

Just like her son, Hayden, Blanche also thought Debbie married Emmett.    

Debbie took a deep breath and decided to ignore her. She turned to Mrs. Huo instead and wanted to give her a heads-up. "Lady, if I were you, I wouldn't let my son marry Portia. Look at who he'd have for a mother-in-law. Like mother like daughter, you know."    

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