C112: It Can Nourish You

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Novel  Take My Breath Away  Chapter 112: It Can Nourish You

Despite the fact that she had practiced martial arts for many years, Debbie was still no match for Carlos in stamina. Last night, she had begged him to let her go many times, but instead of giving her a break, Carlos had worked on her harder and even taunted her.        

"I'm getting up now. See you later in the classroom. Don't call Carlos!" Debbie sat up on the bed, and blushed, looking at the clothes scattered on the floor.    

"All right. See you then. You better hurry up. Otherwise, your husband will punish both of us again," said Jared. He was so scared of Carlos that he'd tried everything possible to stay away from him.    

After washing her face and brushing her teeth, Debbie went down the stairs to have lunch. Just then, Carlos called her. "Deb, what are you doing now?" he asked in a soft voice.    

Hearing the voice, Debbie couldn't help but remember what had happened last night. "I'm going to have lunch," she said through gritted teeth.    

Of course, Carlos noticed the anger in her tone, and chuckled, recalling images of an alluring Debbie in bed.    

"Deb, you're the sweetest girl on earth. The kind of girl I never thought I'd find all my life," he teased. "Carlos Huo, you're a flirt!" Debbie said, blushing even more.    

The smile on his face turning into a thoughtful look, Carlos said, "Honey, I want to go home now."    

"What? Now?" she asked in confusion. "Does the lunch in your company not taste good?" she added.    

"I want to taste your sweet wine now. In fact I'm in the mood right now as we speak," he said in a suggestive whisper.    

Originally, Debbie wanted to go to the dining hall. But now that Carlos kept on teasing her, she was afraid that Julie would hear him and decided to go to the balcony. "Carlos Huo, how shameless you are! One more word and you'll be hauled over the coals!"    

"Boo...hoo...I'm so scared. I don't want to get your rough side of the tongue. But how can you be so cruel to your dear husband?"    

With an affected dismissive gesture, Debbie waved her right hand in the air as if chopping an invisible Carlos. "Are you kidding me? If you come near, I'll beat you to a pulp," she joked. "Anyway, I know where to hit you if I have to inflict the worst pain. You are an old goat with lots of fans out there on social media. How would it pan out if I leaked some juicy stuff to your fans?"    

Not until she had gotten laid did she realize that she didn't know him at all. She had underestimated him all along.    

"Ouch!" Accidentally, she bent and twisted trying to stretch her back, only to trigger sharp pain that reminded her of the crazy night they had together. She immediately cursed him again, "You're a bad egg! My whole body is aching. You jerk!"    

A smile of accomplishment flashed across his face. "Honey, I was wrong. I'll be more gentle the next time we bang. And by the way, the sooner we can, the sooner your body will get used to it," he added with a giggle.    

"Hey! It can't be soon. Sorry, but I need a break! I'll stay in the dorm this evening." The color drained from Debbie's face.    

Carlos chuckled and coaxed, "Honey, I'm just kidding. Don't worry. Just go have lunch now. See you on campus this afternoon."    


Debbie went to the dining room and sat at the table. Since Julie was still cooking, Debbie opened the WeChat app and read her friends' messages. Her jaw dropped. How the hell had she hit a total 99 comments in Moments? 'Oh my God! What did I post last night?'    

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