C82: Give Him A Slap In The Face

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Novel  Take My Breath Away  Chapter 82: Give Him A Slap In The Face

Debbie rolled her eyes at her phone screen where the nickname "C" flashed on it. She typed a message. "I'm a married woman. If you crack such jokes again, I'll definitely blacklist you!"        

The guy, C, replied to her, "I want to be friends with you."    

She felt bored after chatting with him, so she locked her phone and put it back into her pocket.    

Debbie bent over the table and sipped her milk tea through a straw. A moment later, Kasie and Kristina walked into their old haunt, No. 99 Milk Tea. Debbie waved her hand to them lazily and called out, "Hey, I'm here."    

Kasie sat down next to her and asked curiously, "I thought you weren't going to play truant again. Why did you bunk off school today?"    

A few days ago, Debbie had told them that she wouldn't dare skip school again because Carlos would punish her if she did. They weren't expecting Debbie to go back on her word so soon.    

Kristina was more considerate than Kasie. The moment she saw Debbie, she realized that something was wrong. "Debbie, were you crying?" she asked in a voice full of concern.    

It was not until then that Kasie noticed that Debbie's eyes were red and swollen.    

Debbie ordered two cups of milk tea for her friends before she cursed through gritted teeth, "Carlos Huo is such a jerk!"    

Kasie immediately covered Debbie's mouth with her hand. "Shh! Look, I know that Carlos Huo is your husband, but keep those kinds of words to yourself. Do not curse him in public. If his fans hear you, you're definitely screwed!"    

Debbie did not care for her warning. She shoved Kasie's hand away and snapped back, "I'm cursing my own husband. What does it have to do with them?"    

Kristina approached her and whispered in her ear, "They don't know that Carlos Huo is your husband. A girl cursed him at an airport because she had failed to attract his attention. And that caught the attention of his fans. The girl ended up being beaten up and taken to the hospital."    

Debbie's jaw dropped at Kristina's surprising words. She gulped hard and exclaimed in a low voice, "That's crazy! If they found out that I'm married to him, would they go insane and cut me into pieces?"    

Kasie nodded and feigned a serious tone. "They would. So you better watch your language. " And she couldn't hold it anymore and burst into a fit of laughter.    

Kristina tapped Kasie's arm, gesturing for her to not tease Debbie again. "Tomboy, tell us why you are in such a bad mood. Who was terrible enough to make you cry? We'll teach them not to mess with our friend."    

They had known Debbie for years, and they had only seen her cry once after her father had passed away. This was the second time they had seen her cry.    

"Oh forget it! You possibly couldn't teach Carlos Huo anything. I've cried so many times because of him now. That bastard!" Although she hated to admit it, Debbie had been in tears several times since Carlos had moved back into the villa.    

Kristina and Kasie shared a knowing look.    

Kasie asked sighing, "Did you piss him off again?"    

"Hey! He's the one who's making me cry again and again. Why won't you blame him for his behavior? He's such a jerk! A good man would never make his girl cry." Debbie was puzzled by their lack of support. Kristina and Kasie despised men who made girls cry. But why weren't they taking her side this time?    

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